ODS Weblog Moveable Type API

XML-RPC endpoint configuration

A virtual directory can be created and blogger API exposed to it. To do that following two approaches are possible:

  1. via Conductor UI ; new virtual directory , select a template for XML-RPC link
  2. check the option 'bloggerAPI' and click Add.
  3. a logical path now will support the XML-RPC and will have blogger APIs exposed.

Another approach is to execute following SQL script via ISQL tool as follows:

  .... blogserver.sql .... 
	 vhost_define (lpath=>'/RPC2', ppath=>'/SOAP/', soap_user=>'$U{usr}', soap_opts=>vector ('XML-RPC', 'yes')); 
	 grant execute on "blogger.newPost" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "blogger.editPost" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "blogger.deletePost" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "blogger.getPost" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "blogger.getRecentPosts" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "blogger.getUsersBlogs" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "blogger.getTemplate" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "blogger.setTemplate" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "blogger.getUserInfo" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "metaWeblog.newPost" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "metaWeblog.editPost" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "metaWeblog.getPost" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "metaWeblog.getRecentPosts" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "mt.getRecentPostTitles" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "mt.getCategoryList" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "mt.setPostCategories" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "mt.getPostCategories" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "mt.getTrackbackPings" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "mt.publishPost" to $U{usr};
	 grant execute on "mt.supportedMethods" to $U{usr};
  ... eof ...

  $ isql 1111 dba dba -u usr="SQL user for execution" blog_server.sql

Please note that "SQL user for execution" needs to be created prior to this action.

Important: if you specify the "dba" as user for SOAP execution in virtual directory, grant statements are not needed; but this will open a security hole. So this approach is not recommended. Always is better to have a separate user for SOAP execution with limited rights.
