Todays a number there are number of cool web-based sites that provide users with the ablity read headline news, write blogs, email, collaborate on wikis, host your photos and store a vareity of documents and other resources. Each of these sites allow you upload content, share information with the sites members or share data with the public and offer seemingly loads disk space to store your information for "free". Sound like a good idea, well it is until you understand the implications in terms of storage.

Use Cases



Example: Secure On-line Integrated Storage

Sullivan, Ringwald and Kurtz is a law firm in Atlanta Georgia whose practice specializes in, Business & Finance, Real Estate & Environment, Financial & Tax Planning, as well as Litigation & Employment Law with clients in over 28 states and several countries. Recently Richard Ringwald son Steve joined the firm as a paralegal. Steve also in charge of the firm's computer infrastructure, which needs to provide the latest technologies, integrated for maximum efficiency in collaboration, communications, research, and processing.

Richard needs an application that will provide each of Attorneys within each of the firm's practice areas the ability to work on their case load, collaborate and research on cases in areas where they can combine their knowledge. Not every attorney that is a member the firm resides in Atlanta, therefore Steve has decided to use ODS Briefcase, a web-based online storage application that can store any type of the firms files including documents, emails, digitized images, recorded interviews, etc. that can be accessed from anywhere. ODS Briefcase also met his other system requirements which included:

Use Cases

Individual Cases:

Case Collaboration:
