%VOSWARNING% %META:TOPICINFO{author="RumiTsekova" date="1164631036" format="1.1" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="Ods"}% %ODSNAV% ---++ODS Discussions Framework A Web-based Newsgroups Aggregator and Reader. Conversation & Discussion Management that also provides Conversation/Comment/Discussion management services to all of the ODS applications. ---+++Feature Highlights * Read ODS Newsgroups messages * Read messages in other Newsgroups subscribed to from the Conductor * Reply to messages * Attach files in reply messages * Search within Newsgroups * Add to RSS a particular Newsgroup * View Newsgroups messages in simple list of thread mode. ---+++How Do I ...? * [[VirtuosoOdsControllersDiscussion][Manipulate Discussions data via REST using authentication based on OAuth, sessions, or password hash?]] * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityDiscussion][Use the Discussion Ubiquity Commands?]] * [[SIOCRefDiscussions][Use SPARQL to Query Discussions Data using the SIOC Ontology]] * [[ODSSKOSRefExampleDiscussion][Use SPARQL to Query Discussions Data using the SKOS Ontology]] * [[ODSFOAFRefExampleDiscussion][Use SPARQL to Query Discussions Data using the FOAF Ontology]] ---+++FAQs * [[OdsDiscussionsFAQ][Discussions FAQ]] ---+++Quick Start Guides * [[OdsDiscussionsGettingStarted][Getting Started with Discussions]] ---+++Discussions Tutorials * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorialsGroupsDiscussion][Discussions Manage Groups Ubiquity Tutorial]] * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorialsDiscussionOAuthD][Discussions OAuth Authentication Tutorial]] ---+++Reference Guides * [[OdsDiscussionsProgrammersGuide][Discussions Programmers Guide]] ---+++See also * [[ODSSIOCRef][ODS SIOC reference]] * [[ODSAtomOWLRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Atom OWL Ontology]] * [[ODSSKOSRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and SKOS Ontology]] * [[ODSFOAFRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and FOAF Ontology]] * [[ODSAnnoteaRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Annotea Ontology]] * [[VOSODSSparqlSamples][ODS SPARQL Samples]] * [[NorthWindREF][Northwind SPARQL Reference]] * [[SIOCRefTutorial][Query Virtuoso Tutorials using SPARQL]] * [[SIOCRefDocs][Query Virtuoso Documentation using SPARQL]] * [[WordPressSIOCRef][WordPress SIOC Reference]] * [[MediaWikiSIOCRef][MedaWiki SIOC Reference]] * [[PHPBB3SIOCRef][PHPBB SIOC Reference]] CategoryODS CategoryDiscussions CategoryOpenSource CategoryOdsDiscussions CategoryWebSite %ODSCOPY%