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  • VOS.VirtJenaSPARQLExample3(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:42:17 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:42:17

    Virtuoso Jena Provider - SPARQL Example 3

    import java.util.*;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.*;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple;
    import virtuoso.jena.driver.*;
    public class VirtuosoSPARQLExample3
        public static void main(String[] args)
    	String url;
    	if(args.length == 0)
    	    url = "jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111";
    	    url = args[0];
    	Node foo1 = Node.createURI("http://example.org/#foo1");
    	Node bar1 = Node.createURI("http://example.org/#bar1");
    	Node baz1 = Node.createURI("http://example.org/#baz1");
    	Node foo2 = Node.createURI("http://example.org/#foo2");
    	Node bar2 = Node.createURI("http://example.org/#bar2");
    	Node baz2 = Node.createURI("http://example.org/#baz2");
    	Node foo3 = Node.createURI("http://example.org/#foo3");
    	Node bar3 = Node.createURI("http://example.org/#bar3");
    	Node baz3 = Node.createURI("http://example.org/#baz3");
    	List <Triple> triples = new ArrayList <Triple> ();
    	VirtGraph graph = new VirtGraph ("Example3", url, "dba", "dba");
    	graph.clear ();
    	System.out.println("graph.isEmpty() = " + graph.isEmpty());
    	System.out.println("Add 3 triples to graph <Example3>.");
    	graph.add(new Triple(foo1, bar1, baz1));
    	graph.add(new Triple(foo2, bar2, baz2));
    	graph.add(new Triple(foo3, bar3, baz3));
    	System.out.println("graph.isEmpty() = " + graph.isEmpty());
    	System.out.println("graph.getCount() = " + graph.getCount());
    	triples.add(new Triple(foo1, bar1, baz1));
    	triples.add(new Triple(foo2, bar2, baz2));
    	System.out.println("Remove 2 triples from graph <Example3>");
    	System.out.println("graph.getCount() = " + graph.getCount());
    	System.out.println("Please check result with isql tool.");
    SQL> sparql select ?s ?p ?o from <Example3> where {?s ?p ?o};
    s                                                    p                                                             o
    VARCHAR                                    VARCHAR                                              VARCHAR
    http://example.org/#foo3              http://example.org/#bar3                         http://example.org/#baz3
    1 Rows. -- 26 msec.