---++Guide for Setting Web ID ACLs 1 Make sure the [[VirtSPARQLSSL][SPARQL-SSL Endpoint is created]]. 1 [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/ODSGenerateX509Certificate][Generate an X.509 Certificate hosted WebID]], for ex. for user john with WebID: http://ods-qa.openlinksw.com/dataspace/person/john#this 1 Go to http://<cname>:<port>/conductor 1 Enter dba user's credentials. 1 Go to "System Admin" -> "Security" -> "Access Control" -> "SPARQL-SSL" %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Register the WebID from above and select SPARQL role: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% * Optionally you can set user john to be able to set WebID ACL for odbc/sql log in: 1 Go to "System Admin" -> "User Accounts" and click "Edit" for user john. 1 In the presented form: 1 Change "User type" to "SQL/ODBC and WebDAV" 1 Add "Account Role": "SPARQL_SELECT" 1 Add in "WebID for ODBC/SQL authentication" for ex: http://ods-qa.openlinksw.com/dataspace/person/john#this 1 Import the generated from above X.509 Certificate in Cryptographic Keys: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Access the SPARQL-SSL Endpoint i.e. https://:/sparql-ssl 1 Select the generated from above certificate %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 The SPARQL-SSL Endpoint UI should be displayed %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Execute a sample query, for ex: SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 10 %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% ---++Related * [[VirtAuthServerUI][Virtuoso Authentication Server]] * [[VirtOAuth][OAuth Implementation in OpenLink Data Spaces]] * [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/VirtODSPubSubHub][Setting up PubSubHub in ODS]] * [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/VirtPubSubHub][PubSubHubBub Demo Client Example]] * [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/VirtFeedPubSubHub][Feed subscription via PubSubHub protocol Example ]] * [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/VirtPubSubHubACL][Setting Up PubSubHub to use WebID Protocol or IP based control lists]] * [[VirtSPARQLSSL][Creating and Using a SPARQL-SSL based Endpoint]] * [[VirtAuthFOAFSSLACL][WebID Protocol ACLs Tutorial]] * [[VirtOAuthSPARQL][SPARQL OAuth Tutorial]] * [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/VirtODSFOAFSSL][WebID Protocol Support in OpenLink Data Spaces]] * [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/ODSPkiSetup][Guide to Setting up a X.509 certificate issuer and HTTPS listener and Generating ODS user certificates]] * [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/OdsKeyImport][CA Keys Import using Conductor]] * [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/ODSGenerateX509Certificate][Generate an X.509 Certificate hosted WebID Guide]] * [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/ODSBriefcaseFOAFSSLShareFile][ODS Briefcase WebID Protocol Share File Guide]] * [[http://esw.w3.org/topic/foaf+ssl][WebID Protocol Specification]] * [[https://foaf.me/simpleLogin.php][Test WebID Protocol Certificate page]] * [[http://test.foafssl.org/cert/][WebID Protocol Certificate Generation page]] * [[https://demo.openlinksw.com/sparql-ssl][Virtuoso Demo SPARQL-SSL Endpoint]]