Calendar OAuth REST API Example performed with the Virtuoso OAuth Testing Tool
The following example demonstrates adding and getting event details by the ODS REST APIs calendar.event.new and calendar.get using the OAuth Test Tool. Full list of the ODS REST APIs for ODS Calendar you can find here.
- Go to http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods
- Log in as user demo with password demo
- Go to Settings->OAuth Keys
- Copy the Token value for an Calendar instance or create such in not existing. For ex.: dffa13c301c5915a4fb9c8c1ee7c69e2fad88454
- Go to http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_test.vsp
- In the shown form enter for:
- Server: http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/api
- Consumer Key: dffa13c301c5915a4fb9c8c1ee7c69e2fad88454
- API method: calendar.event.new
- API parameters: inst_id=59&subject=test event&eventStart=2008.11.17T12:00&eventEnd=2008.11.17T14:00
- An easy way to get the instance id is using the ODS ubiquity commands? sequence:
ods-host http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods ods-set-mode sid ods-authenticate-user demo password demo ods-get-instance-id mycalendar
- An easy way to get the instance id is using the ODS ubiquity commands? sequence:
- Select for Query options: "Generate URI and Submit".
- Click the "Execute" button.
- Enter the password for user demo and click the "Login" button.
- In the shown authorization form click the "Authorize" button.
- As result will be shown the generated URI and the output message of executing the ODS REST API.
In our case, the id of the new created event will be: 1683
- Now lets get the data for the created event.
In the form enter:
- API method: calendar.get
- API parameters: event_id=1683
- Select for Query options: "Generate URI and Submit".
- Click the "Execute" button.
- As result in the "Response Body" text-area will be shown the retrieved details for the event with the given above id.