create procedure DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_INIT (in out_fname_tmpl varchar, in cut_size integer, inout app_env any) { app_env := vector ( out_fname_tmpl, -- [0] - template for out names string_output (), -- [1] - out session 0, -- [2] - index of current file iri_id_num (#ib1), -- [3] - ID of next bnode to allocate dict_new (1000000), -- [4] - dictionary of bnodes make_array (50000, 'any'), -- [5] - accumulator of triples 0, -- [6] - number of triples in the accumulator vector (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0), -- [7] env of http_ttl_xxx() 0, -- [8] - count of tripless written to the current file cut_size ); -- [9] - size of single cut file } ; create procedure DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_FLUSH (inout app_env any, in can_continue_file integer) { declare tctr, tcount, total_tcount, cut_size integer; declare triples, env, ses any; dbg_obj_princ ('DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_FLUSH (..., can_continue_file=', can_continue_file, '): file=', app_env[2], ' tcount=', app_env[6], ' total_count=', app_env[8]); ses := aref_set_0 (app_env, 1); triples := aref_set_0 (app_env, 5); tcount := app_env[6]; env := aref_set_0 (app_env, 7); total_tcount := app_env[8]; cut_size := app_env[9]; for (tctr := 0; tctr < tcount; tctr := tctr + 1) { http_ttl_prefixes (env, triples[tctr][0], triples[tctr][1], triples[tctr][2], ses); } for (tctr := 0; tctr < tcount; tctr := tctr + 1) { http_ttl_triple (env, triples[tctr][0], triples[tctr][1], triples[tctr][2], ses); } app_env[6] := 0; total_tcount := total_tcount + tcount; if ((not can_continue_file) or (total_tcount >= cut_size)) { string_to_file (sprintf (app_env[0], app_env[2]), ses, -2); ses := string_output (); env := vector (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0); app_env[2] := app_env[2] + 1; total_tcount := 0; } aset_zap_arg (app_env, 1, ses); aset_zap_arg (app_env, 5, triples); aset_zap_arg (app_env, 7, env); app_env[8] := total_tcount; } ; create procedure DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_EV_NEW_BLANK (inout g_iid IRI_ID, inout app_env any, inout res IRI_ID) { declare i integer; i := app_env[3]; res := iri_id_from_num (i); app_env[3] := i+1; } ; create procedure DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_EV_GET_IID (inout uri varchar, inout g_iid IRI_ID, inout app_env any, inout res IRI_ID) { res := uri; } ; create procedure DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_EV_TRIPLE ( inout g_iid IRI_ID, inout s_uri varchar, inout p_uri varchar, inout o_uri varchar, inout app_env any ) { if (app_env[6] >= 50000) DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_FLUSH (app_env, 1); __box_flags_set (o_uri, 1); app_env[5][app_env[6]] := vector (s_uri, p_uri, o_uri); app_env[6] := app_env[6]+1; } ; create procedure DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_EV_TRIPLE_L ( inout g_iid IRI_ID, inout s_uri varchar, inout p_uri varchar, inout o_val any, inout o_type varchar, inout o_lang varchar, inout app_env any ) { if (app_env[6] >= 50000) DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_FLUSH (app_env, 1); app_env[5][app_env[6]] := vector (s_uri, p_uri, DB.DBA.RDF_MAKE_LONG_OF_TYPEDSQLVAL_STRINGS (o_val, o_type, o_lang)); app_env[6] := app_env[6]+1; } ; create procedure DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT (in in_fname varchar, in base varchar, in parse_mode integer, in out_fname_tmpl varchar, in cut_size integer := 100000000) { declare in_ses, app_env any; if (in_fname like '%.rdf.gz' or in_fname like '%.xml.gz') in_ses := gz_file_open (in_fname); else in_ses := file_open (in_fname); DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_INIT (out_fname_tmpl, cut_size, app_env); rdf_load_rdfxml (in_ses, parse_mode, '' /* fake graph, UNAME is to avoid copying */, vector ( '', 'DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_EV_NEW_BLANK', 'DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_EV_GET_IID', 'DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_EV_TRIPLE', 'DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_EV_TRIPLE_L', '', '' ), app_env, base ); RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT_FLUSH (app_env, 0); } ; DB.DBA.RDFXML_FILE_SPLIT ('/demos/uniprot/src/uniparc.rdf', '', 0, '/demos/uniprot/src/uniparc%06d.ttl', 200000);