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  • VOS.WMacros(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:43:25 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:43:25

    List of ODSWiki macros

    ODS Wiki macros are simply stored function/procedures in Virtuoso, the source code of the macro definitions is in the attachment.

    Macro Name


    ATOM:FEED Returns a link to the ATOM based XML document generated for the Changelog of the topic.
    CLUSTER:DESCRIPTION Returns the description of the cluster.
    CLUSTER:MEMBERS Returns a list with the members of the cluster.
    CLUSTER:NAME Returns the name of the cluster.
    CLUSTER:OWNER Returns the owner of the cluster.
    FEED:ATOM Returns a link to the ATOM based XML document generated for the Changelog of the topic.
    FEED:RSS Returns a link to the Changelog for the topic.
    HIT:COUNTER Hit Counter
    MAIN:ABSTRACT Returns a table with links to the clusters and available operations on them.
    MAIN:DASHBOARD Returns a table with links to the clusters and available operations on them.
    MAIN:TABLEOFCLUSTERS Returns a table with links to the clusters and their description.
    MAIN:TABLEOFUSERS Returns a table with links to the users and their description.
    META:FILEATTACHMENT not still implemented, returns space
    META:TOPICINFO %META:TOPICINFO{author="user_name"}% sets the parent of the current topic. "user_name" must be a valid user name.
    META:TOPICMOVED not still implemented, returns space
    META:TOPICPARENT %META:TOPICPARENT{name="parent_name"}% sets the parent of the current topic. "parent_name" must be a topic of the same cluster.
    RSS:FEED Returns a link to the Changelog for the topic.
    SEMANTIC:FACTS Returns a table of the semantic objects (predicate, object, subject).
    STATISTICS:POPULARTOPICS Returns a table with links to the 10 most popular topics of the current cluster.
    STATISTICS:TOPAUTHORS Returns a table with links to the 10 most popular authors.
    BLOGNAV for internal use
    BLOGTABS for internal use
    BOOKMARKTABS for internal use
    BRIEFCASETABS for internal use
    BUG no description
    BUGS no description
    BULCR Returns BULCR.png image.
    BULSQ Returns BULSQ.jpg image.
    CATEGORIES Returns a list of all Category topics in the current cluster.
    CATEGORY Returns "Category".
    CHANGELOG %CHANGELOG{local="1" rows="10"}% returns the last 10 changes to the current cluster.
    CODSCOPY Returns a copyright panel.
    CODSNAV for internal use
    COMMENTS Returns a form for posting a comment to the owner of the topic.
    COMMUNITYTABS for internal use
    DELICIOUSCATEGORIES for internal use
    DISCUSSIONTABS for internal use
    DOCINCLUDE no description
    DSCOPY for internal use
    FEEDSTABS for internal use
    FORTUNE no description
    GALLERYTABS for internal use
    GLOBE Returns GLOBE.jpg image.
    INCLUDE %INCLUDE{"myWiki.Hello"}% returns the contents of the topic myWiki.Hello.
    INLINE Returns the result of inline defined procedure.
    MACROS Returns a list of all wiki macros.
    MAILTABS for internal use
    NOW Returns the time you opened the topic.
    OATCOPY for internal use
    OATNAV for internal use
    ODSARR for internal use
    ODSARRLG for internal use
    ODSCOPY for internal use
    ODSNAV for internal use
    ODSNEXT for internal use
    ODSPREV for internal use
    ODSSTART for internal use
    ODSTABS for internal use
    ODSTURQ for internal use
    RAILSODBCCOPY for internal use
    RAILSODBCNAV for internal use
    REFBY Returns a list of topics which have a reference to the current topic.
    REQUIRESVCE no description
    REQUIRESVCEVER no description
    SEARCH Returns a table with name, size, owner and date of topics according to the search criteria.Example: %SEARCH{"search"}%
    TOC Returns a table of contents for the topic based on headings.
    TOPIC Returns a link to the current topic.
    TOPPAGES Returns a list of last visited topics in the current cluster.
    UNUSEDPAGES Returns a list of the topics with no references to them.
    USERPROP %USERPROP{"FULLNAME"}% returns the name of the user. %USERPROP{"EMAIL"}% returns the e-mail of the user.
    USERS Returns a list of all wiki users in an alphabetic order.
    VOSCOPY for internal use
    VOSNAV for internal use
    VOSWARNING no description
    VSCOPY for internal use
    VSDRKBLUE for internal use
    VSLTBLUE for internal use
    VSNAV for internal use
    VSREALM for internal use
    WEB Returns the name of the cluster.
    WIKITABS for internal use
    WIKIUSERNAME Returns the wiki name of the user.
    WWWCOPY for internal use
    WWWNAV for internal use
    ZGCOPY for internal use
    ZGNAV for internal use
    ZitgistCOPY for internal use
    ZitgistNAV for internal use
    inline no description
    TECHNORATI:COSMOS Returns the result from API query to http://api.technorati.com/cosmos.
    TECHNORATI:TAG Returns the result from API query to http://api.technorati.com/tag.