LinkedIn? Meta-Cartridge

The meta-cartridge looks for foaf:Person instances in the source graph being enriched then, using the person's foaf:name, searches against LinkedIn? to get their public profile URL. The public profile URL is then exposed as an rdfs:seeAlso link in the source graph. When de-referenced, this link is materialized by the LinkedIn? extractor cartridge into a Linked Data representation of that person's LinkedIn? profile.

The LinkedIn? meta-cartridge must be configured with a LinkedIn? API key and session key. These are specified through the cartridge options consumer_key and consumer_secret. It can share the same LinkedIn? API and session keys used by the LinkedIn? extractor cartridge. For details of how to configure the latter, please see here.

The meta-cartridge also requires a LinkedIn? OAuth access token with which to sign API requests. It automatically uses the first available unexpired access token registered for the extractor cartridge.
