%META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtTipsAndTricksGuide"}% ---+ How can I use the LOAD command to import RDF data? SPARQL INSERT can be done using the LOAD command: SPARQL INSERT INTO <..> { .... } [[FROM ...] { ... }] SPARQL LOAD [INTO ] -- will be the Graph IRI of the loaded data: SPARQL LOAD ---++Examples ---+++Load from Resource URL In order to load data from resource URL for ex: http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#i , execute the following command with isql: SQL> SPARQL LOAD ; callret-0 VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ Load into graph -- done 1 Rows. -- 703 msec. SQL> ---+++Load from file 1 Create DAV collection which is visible to the public, for ex: http://localhost:8890/DAV/tmp 1 Upload to the DAV collection a file, for example with name listall.rq and with the following content: SPARQL PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX sioc: SELECT ?x ?p ?o FROM WHERE { ?x rdf:type sioc:User . ?x ?p ?o. ?x sioc:id ?id . FILTER REGEX(str(?id), "^King") } ORDER BY ?x 1 Execute the following command from isql: SQL>SPARQL LOAD bif:concat ("http://", bif:registry_get("URIQADefaultHost"), "/DAV/tmp/listall.rq") into graph ; callret-0 VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ Load into graph -- done 1 Rows. -- 321 msec. ---+++Directly LOAD triples using iSQL Triples can be directly loaded into Virtuoso specifying the literal values to inserted, by executing a command of the following form from isql: SQL>SPARQL INSERT INTO graph { . . . . }; ---++Related * [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]] * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfinsertmethods.html][RDF Insert Methods in Virtuoso]]