%META:TOPICPARENT{name="CategoryCategory"}% This is a category for any QA Reports. Click Ref-by to see the list of all such documents. Add %CATEGORY%QAReport word at the end of your page to list it in this category. Other [[%CATEGORY%Report][Reports]] have their own categories and should not generally be found here. ---+++ All %CATEGORY%UDA in %CATEGORY%QAReport %SEARCH{"(%CATEGORY%QAReport and %CATEGORY%UDA) and not %CATEGORY%Category" web="Main" scope="text" order="modified" nosearch="on" nototal="on"}% ---+++ All %CATEGORY%VOS in %CATEGORY%QAReport %SEARCH{"(%CATEGORY%QAReport and %CATEGORY%VOS) and not %CATEGORY%Category" web="Main" scope="text" order="modified" nosearch="on" nototal="on"}% ---+++ All %CATEGORY%Virtuoso in %CATEGORY%QAReport %SEARCH{"(%CATEGORY%QAReport and %CATEGORY%Virtuoso) and not (%CATEGORY%VOS or %CATEGORY%Category)" web="Main" scope="text" order="modified" nosearch="on" nototal="on"}% ---+++ All %CATEGORY%ODS in %CATEGORY%QAReport %SEARCH{"(%CATEGORY%QAReport and %CATEGORY%ODS) and not %CATEGORY%Category" web="Main" scope="text" order="modified" nosearch="on" nototal="on"}% ---+++ All %CATEGORY%OAT in %CATEGORY%QAReport %SEARCH{"(%CATEGORY%QAReport and %CATEGORY%OAT) and not %CATEGORY%Category" web="Main" scope="text" order="modified" nosearch="on" nototal="on"}% ---+++ All %CATEGORY%iODBC in %CATEGORY%QAReport %SEARCH{"(%CATEGORY%QAReport and %CATEGORY%iODBC) and not %CATEGORY%Category" web="Main" scope="text" order="modified" nosearch="on" nototal="on"}% ---+++ All other in %CATEGORY%Report %SEARCH{"%CATEGORY%QAReport and not (%CATEGORY%iODBC or %CATEGORY%OAT or %CATEGORY%ODS or %CATEGORY%Virtuoso or %CATEGORY%VOS or %CATEGORY%UDA)" web="Main" scope="text" order="modified" nosearch="on" nototal="on"}% CategoryCategory