This is a diff between 1.1 and 1.2 revisions:

< ---+++Process and Runtime Limits
< |*Item*|*Type of Limit*|*Limit Value*|*Notes*|
< |Locks | Row-level |Unlimited | |
< |Locks per Transaction|Maximim |Depends on Memory|16b per row lock, 60 b per page with at least one row lock|
< |Virtual Memory|Maximum|Depend on OS|64 bit pointers on 64 platforms|
< |Threads|Maximum|Depends on OS|Init File (.ini) specifieds cap for pook for SQL client and web server thread pools|
< |Connections|Maximum|Depends on OS fdset size|At least 2048 and can be set by the license|
> | *Item* | *Type of Limit* | *Limit Value* | *Notes*|
> | Locks | Row-level | Unlimited | |
> | Locks per Transaction | Maximum | Depends on Memory | 16b per row lock, 60 b per page with at least one row lock |
> | Virtual Memory | Maximum | Depend on OS | 64 bit pointers on 64 platforms |
> | Threads | Maximum | Depends on OS | Init File (.ini) specifies cap for pool for SQL client and web server thread pools|
> | Connections | Maximum | Depends on OS fdset size | At least 2048 and can be set by the license |
< |*Item*|*Type of Limit*|*Limit Value*|*Notes*|
< |Columns|Per table | n000 columns| maximum|
< | |Per index |n columns |maximum|
< | |Per Row |200 columns | maximum|
< |GROUP BY clause |Maximum length |||
< |Indexes | Maximum per table |Unlimited |Subject to Global cash on keys|
< |Row Length | Maximum|4086||
< |Row in Sorting |40789 b|as in tables|
< |Table Size| Maximum|Up to the database size | |
< |LOB Column Length|Maximum |2 GB | |
< |VARCHAR Length | Maximun||Constrained by max row length when stored into non-LOB column 10 MB inside procedure code|
< |Idenity Length|Maximum|100| |
< |Numeric Precision|Maximum |40 digits||
< |SQL Statement and Procedure Text| Maximun| 100K||
> ---++ Process and Runtime Limits
< ---+++Logical Database Limits
> | *Item* | *Type of Limit* | *Limit Value* | *Notes*|
> | Columns | Maximum per table | n000 columns | maximum |
> | Columns | Maximum per index | n columns | maximum |
> | Columns | Maximum per Row | 200 columns | maximum |
> | GROUP BY clause | Maximum length | | |
> | Indexes | Maximum per table | Unlimited | Subject to global cache on keys |
> | Row Length | Maximum | 4086 | |
> | Row in Sorting | | 40789 b | as in tables |
> | Table Size | Maximum | Up to the database size | |
> | LOB Column Length | Maximum | 2 GB | |
> | VARCHAR Length | Maximum | | Constrained by max row length when stored into non-LOB column 10 MB inside procedure code |
> | Identity Length | Maximum | 100 | |
> | Numeric Precision | Maximum | 40 digits | |
> | SQL Statement and Procedure Text | Maximum | 100K | |
< |*Item*|*Type of Limit*|*Limit Value*|*Notes*|
< |Database Block Size | Minimum | 2048 bytes| must be a multiple of operating system physical block size |
< | | Maximum | Operating system dependent |never more than n KB|
< |Database Size |Maximum | 32 TB for Data | |
< | | |32 TB for Temp||
< |Database file size |Maximum |Operating system dependent.| Limited by maximum operating system file size|
< |Files Per Database |Maximum | Unlimited||
> ---++ Logical Database Limits
< ---+++Physical Database Limits
< ---+++General
> | *Item* | *Type of Limit* | *Limit Value* | *Notes*|
> | Database Block Size | Minimum | 2048 bytes | must be a multiple of operating system physical block size |
> | Database Block Size | Maximum | Operating system dependent | never more than n KB |
> | Database Size | Maximum for Data | 32 TB | |
> | Database Size | Maximum for Temp | 32 TB | |
> | Database file size | Maximum | Operating system dependent | Limited by maximum operating system file size |
> | Files Per Database | Maximum | Unlimited | |
< %META:TOPICINFO{author="DeeGerhardt" date="1143064940" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%
< ---++Virtuoso Database Limits
> ---++ Physical Database Limits
> ---+ Virtuoso Database Limits
> %META:TOPICINFO{author="DeeGerhardt" date="1143064940" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%