This is a diff between 1.7 and 1.8 revisions:

< <a href="VOSNews#2015-12-09%20-%20Virtuoso%20Open-Source%20Edition%207.2.2%20Released">Virtuoso 7.2.2</a>
< includes various enhancements and bug fixes. Significantly
< updated areas include the main Virtuoso Engine; SPARQL functionality;
< JDBC, Jena, Sesame, and .NET providers and functionality; the Faceted
< Browser; the Conductor; and WebDAV functionality.
< ---+++ 2015-06-24: Virtuoso 7.2.1 Released, Open Source and Commercial Editions
< <a href="VOSNews#2015-06-24%20-%20Virtuoso%20Open-Source%20Edition%207.2.1%20Released">Virtuoso 7.2.1</a>
< includes various enhancements and bug fixes. Important enhancements include new support for
< <code>xsd:boolean</code> and timezone-less <code>xsd:dateTime</code>, and significantly
< improved compatibility with the Jena and Sesame Frameworks.
< ---+++ 2015-02-11: Virtuoso 7.2.0 Released, Open Source and Commercial Editions
< <a href="VOSNews#2015-02-11%20--%20Virtuoso%20Open-Source%20Edition%207.2.0%20Released">Virtuoso 7.2.0</a>
< includes various fixes and improvements including loosely-coupled SSL/TLS,
< improved LDP support, WebDAV access to 3rd party storage services,
< file system hosted virtual tables, loosely-coupled Sponger
< Middleware services, SPARQL-FED remote service evaluation.
< ---+++ 2013-12-10: New VOS 6.1.8 Released (likely final update of v6)
< ---+++ 2015-12-09: Virtuoso 7.2.2 Released, Open Source Edition
> ---+++ 2013-12-10: New VOS 6.1.8 Released (final update of v6)
< Download it now: [[VOSDownload][Virtuoso Open Source downloads]]
< Also see our [[][Commercial Edition]].
< ---++++ Virtuoso Engine
< * Added support for application/n-triples mime type
< * Added support for modifying size of SQL compiler cache
< * Added better version checking for OpenSSL to configure
< * Added support for timeout on socket connect
< * Added new debug code to audit SPARQL/SQL errors
< * Added new code for MALLOC_DEBUG
< * Added support for LDAPS
< * Added support for TLSext Server Name Indication to http_client
< * Remove TLSv1 protocol from default protocol list
< * Fixed initial DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET for user 'nobody' so /sparql endpoint can query all graphs without any performance penalty
< * Fixed scheduler errors should be emailed every time the event fails
< * Fixed issue replaying table rename due to dereference of NULL result
< * Fixed issue returning correct user after TLS login
< * Fixed issues with HTTP PATCH command changing resource permissions
< * Fixed check for infinite loop in SQL compiler
< * Fixed XMLA service to select TIMESTAMP, XML_ENTITY, IRI_ID columns
< * Fixed issue with shcompo cache size
< * Fixed memory leaks
< * Fixed portability issues and compiler warnings
< * Fixed issues building Windows binaries using VS2017
< ---++++ SPARQL
< * Added new option 'Explain' to /sparql endpoint
< * Added new help page for RDF views to /sparql endpoint
< * Fixed initial fill of language and datatype caches after server restart
< * Fixed SPARQL DELETE for quads which failed on booleans and other inlined RDF boxes
< * Fixed SPARQL 1.1 SUBSTR()
< * Fixed issues with PATCH not returning an error after a SPARQL error
< * Fixed SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_ACC could get fixed-value variables referred to in 'stats' argument
< * Fixed Turtle 1.1 permits multiple semicolons without predicate-object pairs between them
< * Fixed handling for timezone date values from sparql queries
< * Fixed readability and indentation of EXPLAIN output
< * Fixed issue encoding urls in SPARQL/FED
< * Fixed st_contains and other geo predicates
< * Fixed issue with cast numeric to bool
< * Fixed issues with Turtle and JSON;LD_CTX
< ---++++ Jena & Sesame
< Added method to Sesame provider to query across all RDF graphs in Quad Store
< Added set/getIsolationLevel to VirtDataset
< Update using of DB proc rdf_insert_triple_c()
< Fixed baseURI parameter not handled properly by RDF4J provider
< Fixed issue with Jena object values that are URLs
< Fixed providers Jena/RDF4J set/getNamespaces in global cache instead of connection cache
< Fixed xsd:boolean literals returned as xsd:string literals
< Fixed VirtDataset class for properly handle transaction
< ---++++ JDBC Driver
< * Added support for concurency mode CONCUR_VALUES
< * Added support for SSL truststore
< * Fixed binding/conversion of Unicode characters
< * Fixed handling of SPARQL negative dates
< * Fixed Sql Workbench/J csv file import in Virtuoso fails on empty numeric fields
< * Fixed exception handling
< ---++++ ADO.NET
< * Fixed support for SPARQL Negative Dates, Concurrency modes, Connection option "Log_enable"
< * Fixed compilation warnings and errors on Mono and .NET versions on Windows
< * Fixed error in CompareTo() methods
< * Fixed issue ADO.NET for DateTime types and TZ
< ---++++ Faceted Browser
< * Fixed incorrect UTF-8 character IRI handling in Namespaces
< ---++++ Conductor
< * Added option to delete locked files by admin users
< * Added support for JSON and JSON-LD in rewrite rules for SPARQL query output
< * Added support for importing PEM and DER formats
< * Updated Conductor UI to support new redirection options
< * Moved 'OAuth Service Binding' to 'Web Services'
< * Optimized handling of vspx session expiration
< * Fixed issue creating new user accounts with conductor using user with dba and administrator roles
< * Fixed a missing CA chain does not mean .p12 file is bad
< * Fixed issue with 'Next' time in Scheduler
< * Fixed selection of category in the database browser page
< * Fixed rewrite rule export format
< * Fixed CSV importer
< * Fixed crawler functions to work with HTTPS sources
< * Fixed issues with Rewrite Rule export function
< * Fixed issues in R2RML
< ---++++ DAV
< * Added item creator as a field in the properties when not empty
< * Added overwrite flag for DynaRes creation
< * Optimized calls to some APIs using user/password properties
< * Fixed issues related to the LITMUS testsuite for DAV
< * Fixed issues with Mac OS X WebDAV mapping
< * Fixed issues with WEBdav browser and folder selection
< * Fixed issue deleting Smart folders
< * Fixed issue with permissions for PUT command
< * Fixed bug with PROPFIND and bad XML (without correct namespace) as body
< * Fixed issue with DAV authentication
< * Fixed issues with set/update LDP related data
< * Fixed response code to 204 for PATCH command
< * Fixed return 406 if no matching Accept header found
< * Fixed issue retrieving user's profile data with RDFData DET
< ---++++ DBpedia
< * Added LODmilla browser
< [[VOSNews][Virtuoso 7.2.5]] includes various enhancements and bug fixes across the board from the core Virtuoso Engine, its SPARQL support, the Jena, Sesame, JDBC, ADO.NET interfaces and Conductor.
> <a href="VOSNews#2016-08-15%20-%20Virtuoso%">Learn
> more about Virtuoso</a>... or download it now, either [[VOSDownload][Open Source]] or
> [[][Commercial]] Edition!
> [[VOSNews][Virtuoso 7.2.5]] includes various enhancements and bug fixes across the board,
> from the core Virtuoso Engine and its SPARQL support, to the Jena, Sesame, JDBC, ADO.NET
> providers, the Conductor, the Faceted Browser, and the DAV implementation.