%META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtFacetBrowserAPIs"}% ---+ fct_exec API Example The following example shows how to use the fct_exec APi in vsp page to perform a "text" search for the word "Mike" assuming that exists in your Virtuoso RDF store (if not amend the query in the fct_example.vsp code sample below to search for text known to exist). 1. The service can be used in the following sample fct_example.vsp: Mike '); timeout := 3000; reply := fct_exec (tree, timeout); txt := string_output (); http_value (xslt ('virt://WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES.RES_FULL_PATH.RES_CONTENT:/DAV/fct_example.xsl', reply, vector ()), null, txt); http (txt); ?> 2. The xsl can be viewed [[VirtFacetBrowserAPIsFCTEXECxsl][here]]. 3. The result of executing the fct_example.vsp should be: ---++ Related * Facets Web Service: * [[VirtuosoFacetsWebService][Virtuoso Facets Web Service]] * Linked Data: * [[VirtuosoFacetsViewsLinkedData][Faceted Views over Large-Scale Linked Data]] * Facet Browser Installation and configuration: * [[VirtFacetBrowserInstallConfig][Virtuoso Facet Browser Installation and configuration]] * Facet APIs: * [[VirtFacetBrowserAPIs][Virtuoso APIs for FCT REST services]] * Pivot Viewer and CXML: * [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSparqlCxmlFacetPivotBridge#AncSparqlCxmlFacetPivotBridge][Facet Pivot Bridge - A bridge to PivotViewer from Virtuoso's Faceted query service for RDF]] * [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSparqlCxml#AncFacetTypeAutoDetection][Auto-Detection of Facet Type]] * Tutorials: * [[VirtuosoLODSampleTutorial][Faceted Browsing Sample using LOD Cloud Cache data space]] * [[VirtuosoFacetsWebServiceSOAPExample][SOAP Facets Example]] * [[VirtFacetBrowserInstallConfigQueried][Querying The Facet Browser Web Service endpoint]] * [[VirtFCTFeatureQueries][Virtuoso Facet Browser Featured Queries]] * [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtVisualizeWithPivotViewer#GenFCT][Visualizing Your Data With PivotViewer Using The Facet Browser]] * [[VirtTipsAndTricksCustomControlLabelsURI][Custom Controlling Virtuoso Labels for URI functionality Example]] * [[VirtuosoFacetsWebServiceCustmExamples][Facets Web Service: Examples for customizing different types]] * [[VirtuosoFacetsWebServiceChoiceExample][Facets Web Service: Choice of Labels Example]] * Downloads: * [[http://shop.openlinksw.com/license_generator/virtuoso-download/][Latest Virtuoso]] * [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][Virtuoso Facet Browser VAD package]]