%META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtRDFViews"}% ---+++RDF View for ODS Gallery IMPORTANT! The following code is part of the ODS global VIEW regarding the Gallery part, it is not a separate VIEW and is strongly recommended NOT to be executed directly. Instead, you should use the code from [[VirtRDFViewODSGlobal][ODS RDF Views Deployment and Demo Scripts]]. sparql prefix ods: #Photo create iri class ods:photo_forum "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^/dataspace/%U/photos/%U" (in uname varchar not null, in inst_name varchar not null) option (returns "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^/dataspace/%U/photos/%U") . create iri class ods:photo_post "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^%s" (in path varchar not null) option (returns "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^/DAV/%s") . create iri class ods:photo_post_text "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^%s/text" (in path varchar not null) option (returns "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^/DAV/%s/text") . create iri class ods:photo_comment "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^%s:comment_%d" (in path varchar not null, in comment_id int not null) option (returns "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^/DAV/%s:comment_%d") . sparql prefix sioc: prefix sioct: prefix atom: prefix rdfs: prefix foaf: prefix dc: prefix dct: prefix skos: prefix geo: prefix bm: prefix exif: prefix ann: prefix wikiont: prefix calendar: prefix ods: alter quad storage virtrdf:DefaultQuadStorage from DB.DBA.ODS_PHOTO_POSTS as photo_posts where (^{photo_posts.}^.U_MEMBER = ^{users.}^.U_NAME) from DB.DBA.ODS_PHOTO_COMMENTS as photo_comments where (^{photo_comments.}^.U_MEMBER = ^{users.}^.U_NAME) from DB.DBA.ODS_PHOTO_TAGS as photo_tags where (^{photo_tags.}^.U_MEMBER = ^{users.}^.U_NAME) { create virtrdf:ODS_DS as graph ods:graph (users.U_NAME) option (exclusive) { #---- # Photo ods:photo_post (photo_posts.RES_FULL_PATH) a exif:IFD ; dc:title photo_posts.RES_NAME ; dct:created photo_posts.RES_CREATED ; dct:modified photo_posts.RES_MODIFIED ; sioc:content photo_posts.RES_DESCRIPTION ; sioc:has_creator ods:user (photo_posts.U_OWNER) ; foaf:maker ods:person (photo_posts.U_OWNER) ; sioc:link ods:proxy (photo_posts.RES_LINK) ; sioc:has_container ods:photo_forum (photo_posts.U_MEMBER, photo_posts.WAI_NAME) . ods:photo_forum (photo_posts.U_MEMBER, photo_posts.WAI_NAME) sioc:container_of ods:photo_post (photo_posts.RES_FULL_PATH) . ods:user (photo_posts.U_OWNER) sioc:creator_of ods:photo_post (photo_posts.RES_FULL_PATH) . ods:photo_post (photo_tags.RES_FULL_PATH) sioc:topic ods:tag (photo_tags.U_MEMBER, photo_tags.RES_TAG) . ods:tag (photo_tags.U_MEMBER, photo_tags.RES_TAG) a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel photo_tags.RES_TAG ; skos:isSubjectOf ods:photo_post (photo_tags.RES_FULL_PATH) . ods:photo_comment (photo_comments.RES_FULL_PATH, photo_comments.COMMENT_ID) a sioct:Comment ; sioc:reply_of ods:photo_post (photo_comments.RES_FULL_PATH) ; sioc:has_container ods:photo_forum (photo_comments.U_MEMBER, photo_comments.WAI_NAME) ; dc:title photo_comments.RES_NAME ; dct:created photo_comments.CREATE_DATE ; dct:modified photo_comments.MODIFY_DATE ; sioc:content photo_comments.TEXT ; foaf:maker ods:person (photo_comments.U_MAKER) . ods:photo_post (photo_comments.RES_FULL_PATH) sioc:has_reply ods:photo_comment (photo_comments.RES_FULL_PATH, photo_comments.COMMENT_ID) . # end Photo #--- } . } . ; CategoryVirtuoso CategoryRDF CategoryGallery