This is a diff between 1.2 and 1.3 revisions:

< By default the Testsuite will try connect to a Virtuoso instance on the <code>localhost:1111</code> and <code>dba/dba</code> uid/pwd. If an instance running with different values is to the used then edit the <code>./build.gradle</code> file set accordingly:
> By default the Testsuite will try connect to a Virtuoso instance on the <code>localhost:1111</code> and <code>dba/dba</code> uid/pwd. If an instance running with different values is then used to edit the <code>./build.gradle</code> file set accordingly:
< 1 Ensure that the <code>rdf4j_provider/lib</code>directory lib contains the required <code>virtjdbc4_2.jar</code> Virtuoso JDBC Driver JAR file. If not it can be obtained from, [[][virtjdbc4_2.jar]].
> 1 Ensure that the <code>rdf4j_provider/lib</code>directory lib contains the required <code>virtjdbc4_2.jar</code> Virtuoso JDBC Driver JAR file. If not it can be obtained from, [[][virtjdbc4_2.jar]].
< 1 Extract the Virtuoso RDF4J Provider and testsuite archive [[][]].
> 1 Extract the Virtuoso RDF4J Provider and testsuite archive [[][]].