%META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtTipsAndTricksSPARQL11FeaturesExamplesCollection"}% ---+Virtuoso SPARQL 1.1. COPY Usage Examples %TOC% ---++What? This guide contains Virtuoso SPARQL 1.1. COPY Usage examples queries which you can run against any SPARQL endpoint that supports SPARQL 1.1 and the ability to allow a verified user perform INSERT operations. ---++Why? Use as shortcut for inserting all data from an input graph into a destination graph. Note that the original content in the destination graph is lost by a COPY operation. ---++How? Here are some examples showcasing Virtuoso's support for this functionality: ---+++COPY Example This example copies all triples from a named graph identified by the IRI <urn:sparql:tests:copy:data> to a named graph identified by the IRI <urn:sparql:tests:copy2:data> 1 Assume the following Raw Data Representation in Turtle: <#book1> <#price> 41 . <#book2> <#price> 42 . 1 Load the sample data into <urn:sparql:tests:copy:data>: INSERT DATA { GRAPH { <#book1> <#price> 41 . <#book2> <#price> 42 . } } 1 Query graph <urn:sparql:tests:copy:data> data: SELECT * FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } * [[http://bit.ly/YZlqAk][View the SPARQL Query Definition via SPARQL Protocol URL]]; * [[http://bit.ly/126rtUa][View the SPARQL Query Results via SPARQL Protocol URL]] 1 Assume the following Raw Data Representation in Turtle: <#book3> <#price> 43 . <#book4> <#price> 44 . 1 Load the sample data into <urn:sparql:tests:copy2:data>: INSERT DATA { GRAPH { <#book3> <#price> 43 . <#book4> <#price> 44 . } } 1 Query graph <urn:sparql:tests:copy2:data> data: SELECT * FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } * [[http://bit.ly/10sxqob][View the SPARQL Query Definition via SPARQL Protocol URL]]; * [[http://bit.ly/XBiZSu][View the SPARQL Query Results via SPARQL Protocol URL]] 1 Copy all triples from <urn:sparql:tests:copy:data> to <urn:sparql:tests:copy2:data> COPY TO ; 1 Query graph <urn:sparql:tests:copy2:data> data: Note that the original content in <urn:sparql:tests:copy2:data> is lost by a COPY operation: SELECT * FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } * [[http://bit.ly/10sxqob][View the SPARQL Query Definition via SPARQL Protocol URL]]; * [[http://bit.ly/XBiZSu][View the SPARQL Query Results via SPARQL Protocol URL]] ---++Related * [[http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/PR-sparql11-update-20121108/#copy][SPARQL 1.1 COPY]] * [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuideRenameGraph][Rename RDF Graph Example]] * [[http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-protocol/][SPARQL Protocol (HTTP based Query Service)]] * [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]] * [[VirtTipsAndTricksSPARQL11FeaturesExamplesCollection][Virtuoso SPARQL 1.1 Usage Examples Collection]] * [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/tutorials/sparql/SPARQL_Tutorials_Part_9/SPARQL_Tutorials_Part_9.html][Virtuoso SPARQL 1.1 Syntax Tutorial]] * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparql.html][Virtuoso Documentation]]