OAuth Ubiquity Tutorial

In order to execute correctly the following tutorial, you need to have OAuth Generate Keys for ODS Controllers. More information and simple scenario you can find here.

  1. Execute the command:

    ods-oauth-host <host_url> -- for ex.: ods-oauth-host http://demo.openlinksw.com/OAuth

  2. Execute the command:

    ods-set-mode oauth

  3. Obtain the OAuth Generated Key:
    1. Go to http://cname:port/ods/oauth_sid.vsp . For ex. http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_sid.vsp
    2. In the shown form:
      1. Enter user, for ex. demo
      2. Choose the application you want to obtain the oauth generated key for.
      3. Click the "Execute" button.
    3. As result will be shown a form where you need to enter the user password.
    4. Click the "Login" button.
    5. Click the "Authorize" button.
    6. Copy the obtained oauth sid value.
    7. Execute the command

      ods-set-sid <the obtained oauth session-key>

    8. You can also execute the command(s) depending on the application type:

      ods-set-briefcase-oauth <the obtained oauth session-key> -- or ods-set-bookmark-oauth <the obtained oauth session-key> -- or ods-set-feeds-oauth <the obtained oauth session-key> -- or ods-set-calendar-oauth <the obtained oauth session-key> -- or ods-set-addressbook-oauth <the obtained oauth session-key> -- or ods-set-poll-oauth <the obtained oauth session-key> -- or ods-set-weblog-oauth <the obtained oauth session-key> -- or ods-set-discussion-oauth <the obtained oauth session-key>

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