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  • VOS.ODSWikiTemplates(1.2) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-19 06:25:20 Edit owiki 2018-04-19 06:25:20

    ODS Wiki Templates Engine

    You can add a new template from the ODS Wiki UI -> Cluster Settings

    • Skins are customized oWiki Templates files.
    • Skins overlay regular templates with alternate header/footer layout of pages
    • Skins are typically enabled site-wide or per web.

    Adding a new skin

    To add a new skin, execute the following steps:

    1. The location of skins live is in:


    2. For every skin folder there are the following files:

      PostProcess.xslt default.css

    3. Create a new folder in directory /DAV/VAD/wiki/Root/Skins/
    4. Copy PostProcess.xslt and default.css files to folder from one of the already existing folders in directory /DAV/VAD/wiki/Root/Skins/
    5. Apply your changes in PostProcess.xslt and default.css files in folder.
    6. Now go from your wiki page to 'Cluster Settings', is already available.
    7. Remember to xslt_stale() the xslt after every further change. Look here how to do it.
    8. In ODS Wiki Cluster Settings you can specify both primary and secondary skins and a regexp to switch between them, look here for an example.

    CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryWiki CategoryHowTo