---++How to publish Calendar items to iCalendar format? ODS iCalendar offers the feature to publish calendar items to iCalendar format for exchange with 3rd party iCalendar compliant applications: 1. Go to Import/Export menu from the left vertical navigation. 2. Go to Manage Publications. 3. Click "New Publication". 4. In the shown form enter the parameters as follows: 1. Name: then name of the publication 2. Select "Refresh type": 1. manually 2. after any entry is changed 3. every [n] hours /days 3. Select "Destination Type": 1. WebDAV path 2. URL 4. Enter username and password if needed. 5. Select "Options" for Tasks and ToDos. Here is sample scenario how to publish Calendar items: 1. Login at http://myopenlink.net:8890/ods/ as user demo 2. Go to its Calendar 3. Go to Import /Export -> Manage Publications -> New Publication 4. In the shown form enter: 1. Name: MyPublication 2. Leave "Refresh Type" as default. 3. Choose for "Destination Type" URL 4. Enter for "WebDAV Path / URL": http://demo.openlinksw.com/DAV/home/demo/mypublication.xml * Note that if the file does not exists, it will be created if you have the right credentials. 5. Enter for username and password: demo. 6. Click "Create". * 7. As result the publication will be created. * 6. You can click the "Sync" button in order to force synchronization. 7. As result the Status should be shown as "OK" and also should be shown the date of execution. 8. Let's check what is the content of the created file: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:GMT+0000 BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT +00:00 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT UID:del624f3e197bg22u81i5i4kh0 URL:http://myopenlink.net/dataspace/demo/calendar/demo%27s%20Calendar/1991 DTSTAMP:20080930T144705Z CREATED:20080630T151931Z LAST-MODIFIED:20080630T183700Z SUMMARY:repair MIS order data DESCRIPTION:fixed th .... CategoryODS CategoryCalendar CategoryOdsCalendar