---++What is MediaWiki?
MediaWiki is a popular open-source wiki engine written in PHP. The guide below shows how to run it in Virtuoso.
---+++Install VAD
1. Start virtuoso db using the hosting_php.so ( .dll for win users). To use this plugin, it must be included in your virtuoso ini file as follows:
# for ex. here the location of the plugins is the plugin folder
LoadPath = ./plugin
Load6 = Hosting,hosting_php.so
1. Setup "Local Virtuoso" DSN (note the empty space in the name!) in order to access any of the application URLs.
* For windows users, please perform the following steps:
1. Go to Start >> Settings >> Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Data Sources (ODBC)
1. Go to tab "User DSN" and click "Add"
1. Select the "OpenLink Virtuoso (version)" driver and click "Finish"
1. Enter "Name": Local Virtuoso
1. Enter "Description": My Local Virtuoso
1. For "Server", enter your Virtuoso's hostname and ISQL port, e.g., localhost:1116
1. Click "Next"
1. Enter a username for "Login ID", e.g., dba
1. Enter the user's "Password". For dba, the default password is dba
1. Click "Next"
1. Click "Finish".
1. From ISQL, execute:
SQL> DB.DBA.VAD_INSTALL('tmp/mediawiki_fs.vad',0);
---+++RDF View Scripts
1. After you have installed the MediaWiki mediawiki_fs.vad package, using ISQL execute the MediaWiki_rdf_views_script.sql file, which contains the RDF Views scripts for MediaWiki:
isql localhost:1116 dba dba MediaWiki_rdf_views_script.sql
* You can find the MediaWiki RDF Views scripts also [[VirtRDFViewMediaWiki][here]].
1. In case you want to change the dba password, you need to locate the file below in your FS and change the $wgDBpassword value:
1. After you have successfully installed the MediaWiki mediawiki_fs.vad package and have run the RDF Views MediaWiki_rdf_views_script.sql, access the MediaWiki home page: http://host:port/mediawiki:
1. You may want to register your own user in MediaWiki. Click the "Log in / create account" link.
1. In the shown form click the "Create an account" link and fill in the fields the shown form. Finally click the "Create account" button.
1. As result you should be redirected to your MediaWiki user home page.
1. Enter in the "Search" field at the left sight: SimpleTest and click enter.
1. As result should be shown the message as shown bellow. Click the "create this page." link.
1. Enter some text in the shown text area and click the button "Save page".
1. As result your first article will be created.
1. Click the "Discussion" tab.
1. Enter in the shown text area some message and click the "Save page" button.
1. As result your Talk for the created article will be started.
---+++URI Schemes
* You can download the MediaWiki VAD package from [[http://download.openlinksw.com/packages/5.0/virtuoso/mediawiki_fs.vad][here]].
* [[http://www.mediawiki.org/][MediaWiki]]
---+++See Also
* [[MediaWikiSIOCRef][MediaWiki SIOC Reference]]
CategoryRDF CategorySIOC CategorySPARQL CategoryWiki CategoryVirtuoso CategoryMediaWiki