---+RDF Support in the Virtuoso DBMS
Orri Erling oerling{at}openlinksw.com
Ivan Mikhailov imikhailov{at}openlinksw.com
This paper discusses RDF related work in the context of OpenLink Virtuoso,
a general purpose relational / federated database and applications
platform. We discuss adapting a relational engine for native RDF support
with dedicated data types, bitmap indexing and SQL optimizer techniques. We
further discuss mapping existing relational data into RDF for SPARQL access
without converting the data into physical triples. We present conclusions
and metrics as well as a number of use cases, from DBpedia to bio
informatics and collaborative web applications.
---++Introduction And Motivation
Virtuoso is a multi-protocol server providing ODBC/JDBC access to
relational data stored either within Virtuoso itself or any combination of
external relational databases. Besides catering for SQL clients, Virtuoso
has a built-in HTTP server providing a DAV repository, SOAP and WS*
protocol end points and dynamic web pages in a variety of scripting
languages. Given this background and the present emergence of the semantic
web, incorporating RDF functionality into the product is a logical next
step. RDF data has been stored in relational databases since the inception
of the model [1][8]. Performance considerations have however led to the
development of custom RDF engines, e.g. RDF Gateway [7], Kowari [9] and
others. Other vendors such as Oracle and OpenLink have opted for building a
degree of native RDF support into an existing relational platform.
The RDF work on Virtuoso started by identifying problems of using an RDBMS
for triple storage:
* Data Types: RDF is typed at run time and IRIs must be distinct from other data.
* Unknown data lengths large objects mix with small scalar values in a manner not known at query compile time.
* More permissive cast rules than in SQL.
* Diffculty of computing query cost. Normal SQL compiler statistics are not precise enough for optimizing a SPARQL query if if all data is in a single table.
* Effcient space utilization.
* Need to map existing relational data into RDF and join between RDF data and relational data. We shall discuss our response to all these challenges in the course of this paper.
---++Triple Storage
Virtuoso's initial storage solution is fairly conventional: a single table
of four columns holds one quad, i.e. triple plus graph per row. The columns
are G for graph, P for predicate, S for subject and O for object. P, G and
S are IRI ID's, for which we have a custom data type, distinguishable at
run time from integer even though internally this is a 32 or 64 bit
integer. The O column is of SQL type ANY, meaning any serializable SQL
object, from scalar to array or user defned type instance. Indexing
supports a lexicographic ordering of type ANY, meaning that with any two
elements of compatible type, the order is that of the data type(s) in
question with default collation.
Since O is a primary key part, we do not wish to have long O values
repeated in the index. Hence O's of string type that are longer than 12
characters are assigned a unique ID and this ID is stored as the O of the
quad table. For example Oracle [10] has chosen to give a unique ID to all
distinct O's, regardless of type. We however store short O values inline
and assign ID's only to long ones.
Generally, triples should be locatable given the S or a value of O. To this
effect, the table is represented as two covering indices, G, S, P, O and O,
G, P, S. Since both indices contain all columns, the table is wholly
represented by these two indices and no other persistent data structure
needs to be associated with it. Also there is never a need for a lookup of
the main row from an index leaf.
Using the Wikipedia data set [12] as sample data, we fnd that the O is on
the average 9 bytes long, making for an average index entry length of 6
(overhead) + 3 * 4 (G, S, P) + 9 (O) = 27 bytes per index entry, multiplied
by 2 because of having two indices.
We note however that since S is the last key part of P, G, O, S and it is
an integer-like scalar, we can represent it as a bitmap, one bitmap per
distinct P, G, O. With the Wikipedia data set, this causes the space
consumption of the second index to drop to about a third of the frst index.
We fnd that this index structure works well as long as the G is known. If
the G is left unspecifed, other representations have to be considered, as
discussed below.
For example, answering queries like
graph {
?s sioc:knows ,
the index structure allows the AND of the conditions to be calculated as a
merge intersection of two sparse bitmaps.
The mapping between an IRI ID and the IRI is represented in two tables, one
for the namespace prefxes and one for the local part of the name. The
mapping between ID's of long O values and their full text is kept in a
separate table, with the full text or its MD5 checksum as one key and the
ID as primary key. This is similar to other implementations.
The type cast rules for comparison of data are different in SQL and SPARQL.
SPARQL will silently fail where SQL signals an error. Virtuoso addresses
this by providing a special QUIETCAST query hint. This simplifes queries
and frees the developer from writing complex cast expressions in SQL, also
enhancing freedom for query optimization.
Other special SPARQL oriented accommodations include allowing blobs as
sorting or distinct keys and supporting the IN predicate as a union of
exact matches. The latter is useful for example with FROM NAMED, where a G
is specifed as one of many.
*Compression*. We have implemented compression at two levels. First, within
each database page, we store distinct values only once and eliminate common
prefxes of strings. Without key compression, we get 75 bytes per triple
with a billion-triple LUBM data set (LUBM scale 8000). With compression, we
get 35 bytes per triple. Thus, key compression doubles the working set
while sacrifcing no random access performance. A single triple out of a
billion can be located in less than 5 microseconds with or without key
compression. We observe a doubling of the working set when using 32 bit IRI
ID's. The benefts of compression are still greater when using 64 bit IRI
When applying gzip to database pages, we see a typical compression to a
third, even after key compression. This is understandable since indices are
by nature repetitive, even if the repeating parts are shortened by key
compression. Over 99% of 8K pages flled to 90% compress to less than 3K
with gzip at default compression settings. This does not improve working
set but saves disk. Detailed performance impact measurement is yet to be
*Alternative Index Layouts*. Most practical queries can be effciently
evaluated with the GSPO and OGPS indices. Some queries, such as ones that
specify no graph are however next to impossible to evaluate with any large
data set. Thus we have experimented with a table holding G, S, P, O as a
dependent part of a row id and made 4 single column bitmap indices for G,
S, P and O. In this way, no combination of criteria is penalized. However,
performing the bitmap AND of 4 given parts to check for existence of a quad
takes 2.5 times longer than the same check from a single 4 part index. The
SQL optimizer can deal equally well with this index selection as any other,
thus this layout may prove preferable in some use cases due to having no
disastrous worst case.
---++SPARQL and SQL
Virtuoso offers SPARQL inside SQL, somewhat similarly to Oracle´ RDF MATCH
tas ble function. A SPARQL subquery or derived table is accepted either as
a top level SQL statement of wherever a subquery or derived table is
accepted. Thus SPARQL inherits all the aggregation and grouping functions
of SQL, as well as any built-in or user defned functions. Another beneft of
this is that all supported CLI's work directly with SPARQL, with no
modifcations. For example, one may write a PHP web page querying the triple
store using the PHP to ODBC bridge. The SPARQL text simply has to be
prefxed with the SPARQL keyword to distinguish it from SQL. A SPARQL end
point for HTTP is equally available.
Internally, SPARQL is translated into SQL at the time of parsing the query.
If all triples are in one table, the translation is straightforward, with
union becoming a SQL union and optional becoming a left outer join. Since
outer joins can be nested to arbitrary depths inside derived tables in
Virtuoso SQL, no special problems are encountered. The translator optimizes
the data transferred between parts of the queries, so that variables needed
only inside a derived table are not copied outside of it. If cardinalities
are correctly predicted, the resulting execution plans are sensible. SPARQL
features like construct and describe are implemented as user defned
*SQL Cost Model and RDF Queries*. When all triples are stored in a single
table, correct join order and join type decisions are diffcult to make
given only the table and column cardinalities for the RDF triple or quad
table. Histograms for ranges of P, G, O, and S are also not useful. Our
solution for this problem is to go look at the data itself when compiling
the query. Since the SQL compiler is in the same process as the index
hosting the data, this can be done whenever one or more leading key parts
of an index are constants known at compile time. For example, in the
previous example, of people knowing both John and Mary, the G, P and O are
known for two triples. A single lookup in log(n) time retrieves the frst
part of the bitmap for
((G = ) and (P = sioc:knows)
and (O = ) )
The entire bitmap may span multiple pages in the index tree but reading the
frst bitts and knowing how many sibling leaves are referenced from upper
levels of the tree with the same P, G, O allows calculating a ballpark
cardinality for the P, G, O combination. The same estimate can be made
either for the whole index, with no key part known, using a few random
samples or any number of leading key parts given. While primarily motivated
by RDF, the same technique works equally well with any relational index.
*Basic RDF Inferencing*. Much of basic T box inferencing such as subclasses
and subproperties can be accomplished by query rewrite. We have integrated
this capability directly in the Virtuoso SQL execution engine. With a query
select ?person where { ?person a lubm:Professor }
we add an extra query graph node that will iterate over the subclasses of
lubm:Professor and retrieve all persons that have any of these as rdf:type.
When asking for the class of an IRI, we also return any superclasses. Thus
the behavior is indistinguishable from having all the implied classes
explicitly stored in the database.
For A box reasoning, Virtuoso has special support for owl:same-as. When
either an O or S is compared with equality with an IRI, the IRI is expanded
into the transitive closure of its same-as synonyms and each of these is
tried in turn. Thus, when same-as expansion is enabled, the SQL query graph
is transparently expanded to have an extra node joining each S or O to all
synonyms of the given value. Thus,
select ?lat where {
has_latitude ?lat }
will give the latitude of Berlin even if has no direct latitude
but geo:Berlin does have a latitude and is declared to be owl:same-as
The owl:same-as predicate of classes and properties can be handled in the T
box through the same mechanism as subclasses and subproperties.
*Data Manipulation*. Virtuoso supports the SPARUL SPARQL extension,
compatible with JENA [8]. Updates can be run either transactionally or with
automatic commit after each modifed triple. The latter mode is good for
large batch updates since rollback information does not have to be kept and
locking is minimal.
*Full Text*. All or selected string valued objects can be full text
indexed. Queries like
select ?person from where {
?person a person ; has_resume ?r . ?r bif:contains 'SQL and "semantic web"'
will use the text index for resolving the pseudo-predicate bif:contains.
*Aggregates*. Basic SQL style aggregation is supported through queries like
select ?product sum (?value) from where {
has_order ?o .
?o has_line ?ol .
?ol has_product ?product ;
has_value ?value }
This returns the total value of orders by ACME grouped by product.
For SPARQL to compete with SQL for analytics, extensions such as returning
expressions, quantifed subqueries and the like are needed. The requirement
for these is inevitable because fnancial data become available as RDF
through the conversion of XBRL [13].
*RDF Sponge*. The Virtuoso SPARQL protocol end point can retrieve external
resources for querying. Having retrieved an initial resource, it can
automatically follow selected IRIs for retrieving additional resources.
Several modes are possible: follow only selected links, such as sioc:see
also or try dereferencing any intermediate query results, for example.
Resources thus retrieved are kept in their private graphs or they can be
merged into a common graph. When they are kept in private graphs, HTTP
caching headers are observed for caching, the local copy of a retrieved
remote graph is usually kept for some limited time. The sponge procedure is
extensible so it can extract RDF data from non-RDF resource via microformat
or other sort of flter. This provides common tool to traverse sets of
interlinked documents such as personal FOAFs that refer to each other.
---++Mapping Legacy Relational Data into RDF for SPARQL Access
RDF and ontologies form the remaining piece of the enterprise data
integration puzzle. Many disparate legacy systems may be projected onto a
common ontology using different rules, providing instant content for the
semantic web. One example of this is OpenLink's ongoing project of mapping
popular Web 2.0 applications such as Wordpress, Mediawiki, PHP BB and
others onto SIOC through Virtuoso's RDF Views system.
The problem domain is well recognized, with work by D2RQ [2], SPASQL [5],
DBLP [3] among others. Virtuoso differs from these primarily in that it
combines the mapping with native triple storage and may offer better
distributed SQL query optimization through its long history as a SQL
federated database.
In Virtuoso, an RDF mapping schema consists of declarations of one or more
quad storages. The default quad storage declares that the system table RDF
QUAD consists of four columns (G, S, P and O) that contain felds of stored
triples, using special formats that are suitable for arbitrary RDF nodes
and literals. The storage can be extended as follows:
An IRI class defnes that an SQL value or a tuple of SQL values can be
converted into an IRI in a certain way, e.g., an IRI of a user account can
be built from the user ID, a permalink of a blog post consists of host
name, user name and post ID etc. A conversion of this sort may be declared
as bijection so an IRI can be parsed into original SQL values. The compiler
knows that an join on two IRIs calculated by same IRI class can be replaced
with join on raw SQL values that can effciently use native indexes of
relational tables. It is also possible to declare one IRI class A as
subClassOf other class B so the optimizer may simplify joins between values
made by A and B if A is bijection.
Most of IRI classes are defned by format strings that is similar to one
used in standard C sprintf function. Complex transformations may be
specifed by user-defned functions. In any case the defnition may optionally
provide a list of sprintf-style formats such that that any IRI made by the
IRI class always match one of these formats. SPARQL optimizer pays
attention to formats of created IRIs to eliminate joins between IRIs
created by totally disjoint IRI classes. For two given sprintf format
strings SPARQL optimizer can fnd a common subformat of these two or try to
prove that no one IRI may match both formats.
prefix :
create iri class :user-iri
"http://myhost/sys/users/%s" ( in login_name varchar not null ) . create
iri class :blog-home "http://myhost/%s/home" ( in blog_home varchar not
null ) . create iri class :permalink "http://myhost/%s/%d" ( in blog_home
varchar not null, in post_id integer not null ) . make :user_iri subclass
of :grantee_iri . make :group_iri subclass of :grantee_iri .
IRI classes describe how to format SQL values but do not specify the origin
of those values. This part of mapping declaration starts from a set of
table aliases, somehow similar to FROM and WHERE clauses of an SQL SELECT
statement. It lists some relational tables, assigns distinct aliases to
them and provides logical conditions to join tables and to apply
restrictions on table rows. When a SPARQL query should select relational
data using some table aliases, the fnal SQL statement contains related
table names and all conditions that refer to used aliases and does not
refer to unused ones.
from SYS_USERS as user from SYS_BLOGS as blog where
(^{blog.}^.OWNER_ID = ^{user.}^.U_ID)
A quad map value describes how to compose one of four felds of an RDF quad.
It may be an RDF literal constant, an IRI constant or an IRI class with a
list of columns of table aliases where SQL values come from. A special case
of a value class is the identity class, which is simply marked by table
alias and a column name.
Four quad map values (for G, S, P and O) form quad map pattern that specify
how the column values of table aliases are combined into an RDF quad. The
quad map pattern can also specify restrictions on column values that can be
mapped. E.g., the following pattern will map a join of SYS USERS and SYS
BLOGS into quads with :homepage predicate.
subject :user-iri (user.U_ID)
predicate :homepage
object :blog-home (blog.HOMEPAGE)
where (not ^{user.}^.U_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) .
Quad map patterns may be organized into trees. A quad map pattern may act
as a root of a subtree if it specifes only some quad map values but not all
four; other patterns of subtree specify the rest. A typical use case is a
root pattern that specifes only the graph value whereas every subordinate
pattern specifes S, P and O and inherits G from root, as below:
graph option (exclusive) {
:user-iri (user.U_ID) rdf:type
foaf:Person ; foaf:name user.U_FULL_NAME ; foaf:mbox user.U_E_MAIL ;
foaf:homepage :blog-home (blog.HOMEPAGE) . }
This grouping is not only a syntax sugar. In this example, exclusive option
of the root pattern permits the SPARQL optimizer to assume that the RDF
graph contains only triples mapped by four subordinates.
A tree of a quad map pattern and all its subordinates is called "RDF view"
if the "root" pattern of the tree is not a subordinate of any other quad
map pattern.
Quad map patterns can be named; these names are used to alter mapping rules
without destroying and re-creating the whole mapping schema.
The top-level items of the data mapping metadata are quad storages. A quad
storage is a named list of RDF views. A SPARQL query will be executed using
only quad patterns of views of the specifed quad storage.
Declarations of IRI classes, value classes and quad patterns are shared
between all quad storages of an RDF mapping schema but any quad storage
contains only a subset of all available quad patterns. Two quad storages
are always defned: a default that is used if no storage is specifed in the
SPARQL query and a storage that refers to single table of physical quads.
The RDF mapping schema is stored as triples in a dedicated graph in the RDF
QUAD table so it can be queried via SPARQL or exported for debug/backup
---++Applications and Benchmarks
As of this writing, July 2007, the native Virtuoso triple store is
available as a part of the Virtuoso open source and commercial offerings.
The RDF Views system is part of the offering but access to remote
relational data is limited to the commercial version.
Virtuoso has been used for hosting many of the data sets in the Linking
Open Data Project [14], including Dbpedia [15], Musicbrainz [16], Geonames
[17], PingTheSemanticWeb [18] and others. The largest databases are in the
single billions of triples.
The life sciences demonstration at WWW 2007 [19] by Science Commons was
made on Virtuoso, running a 350 million triple database combining diverse
biomedical data sets.
*Web 2.0 Applications*. We can presently host many popular web 2.0
applications in Virtuoso, with Virtuoso serving as the DBMS and also
optionally as the PHP web server. We have presently mapped PHP BB,
Mediawiki and Drupal into SIOC with RDF Views.
*OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS)*. ODS is a web applications suite consisting of
a blog, wiki, social network, news reader and other components. All the
data managed by these applications is available for SPARQL querying as SIOC
instance data. This is done through maintaining a copy of the relevant data
as physical triples as well as through accessing the relational tables
themselves via RDF Views.
*LUBM Benchmark*. Virtuoso has been benchmarked with loading the LUBM data
set. At a scale of 8000 universities, amounting to 1068 million triples,
the data without key compression size is 75G all inclusive and the load
takes 23h 45m on a machine with 8G memory and two 2GHz dual core Intel Xeon
processors. The loading takes advantage of SMP and parallel IO to disks.
With key compression the data size drops to half.
Loading speed for the LUBM data as RDFXML is 23000 triples per second if
all data fts in memory and 10000 triples per second with one disk out of 6
busy at all times. Loading speed for data in the Turtle syntax is up to
38000 triples per second.
---++Future Directions
*Clustering*. Going from the billions into the tens and hundreds of
billions of triples, the insert and query load needs to be shared among a
number of machines. We are presently implementing clustering support to
this effect. The present clustering scheme can work in a shared nothing
setting, partitioning individual indices by hash of selected key parts. The
clustering support is a generic RDBMS feature and will work equally well
with all RDF index layouts. We have considered Oracle RAC[20]-style cache
fusion but have opted for hash partitioning in order to have a more
predictable number of intra cluster messages and for greater ease in
combining messages.
The key observation is that an interprocess round-trip in a single SMP box
takes 50 microseconds and fnding a triple takes under fve. Supposing a very
fast interconnect and a cluster of two machines, the break-even point after
which cluster parallelism wins over message delays is when a single message
carries 10 lookups. Thus, batching operations is key to getting any beneft
from a cluster and having a fxed partition scheme makes this much more
practical than a shared disk/cache fusion architecture such as Oracle RAC.
*Updating Relational Data by SPARUL Statements*. In many cases, an RDF view
contains quad map patterns that maps all columns of some table into triples
in such a way that sets of triples made from different columns are
"obviously" pairwise disjoint and invoked IRI classes are bijections. E.g.,
quad map patterns for RDF property tables usually satisfy these
restrictions because different columns are for different predicates and
column values are used as object literals unchanged. We are presently
extending SPARUL compiler and run-time in order to make such RDF views
The translation of a given RDF graph into SQL data manipulation statement
begins with extracting all SQL values from all calculatable felds of
triples and partitioning the graph into groups of triples, one group per
one distinct extracted primary key of some source table. Some triples may
become members of more than one group, e.g., a triple may specify relation
between two table rows. After integrity check, every group is converted
into one insert or delete statement.
The partitioning of N triples requires O(N ln N ) operations and keeps data
in memory so it's bad for big dump/restore operations but pretty effecient
for transactions of limited size, like individual bookeeping records,
personal FOAF fles etc.
Experience with Virtuoso has encountered most of the known issues of RDF
storage and has shown that without overwhelmingly large modifcations, a
relational engine can be molded to effciently support RDF. This has also
resulted in generic features which beneft the relational side of the
product as well. The reason is that RDF makes relatively greater demands on
a DBMS than relational applications dealing with the same data.
Applications such as www.pingthesemanticweb.com and ODS for social networks
and on-line collaboration have proven to be good test-beds for the
technology. Optimizing queries produced by expanding SPARQL into unions of
multiple storage scenarios has proven to be complex and needing more work.
Still, it remains possible to write short queries which are almost
impossible to effciently evaluate, especially if they join between data
that may come from many alternate relational sources. In complex EDI
scenarios, some restrictions on possible query types may have to be
The community working on RDF storage will need to work on interoperability,
standard benchmarks and SPARQL end point self-description. Through the
community addressing these issues, the users may better assess which tool
is best suited for which scale of problem and vendors may provide support
for query and storage federation in an Internet-scale multi-vendor semantic
web infrastructure.
Further details on the SQL to RDF mapping and triple storage performance
issues are found in separate papers on the http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com
* [1] Beckett, D.: Redland RDF Application Framework. http://librdf.org/
* [2] Bizer, C., Cyganiak, R., Garbers, J., Maresch, O.: D2RQ: Treating Non-RDF Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs. http://sites.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/D2RQ/
* [3] Chen, H., Wang, Y., Wang, H. et al.: Towards a Semantic Web of Relational Databases: a Practical Semantic Toolkit and an In-Use Case from Traditional Chinese Medicine. http://iswc2006.semanticweb.org/items/Chen2006kx.pdf
* [4] Guo, Y., Pan, Z., HeÔ¨Çin, J.: LUBM: A Benchmark for OWL Knowledge Base Systems. Journal of Web Semantics 3(2), 2005, pp158?Äì182. Available via http://www.websemanticsjournal.org/ps/pub/2005-16
* [5] Prudhommeaux E.: SPASQL: SPARQL Support In MySQL. http://xtech06.usefulinc.com/schedule/paper/156
* [6] 3store, an RDF triple store. http://sourceforge.net/projects/threestore
* [7] Intellidimension RDF Gateway. http://www.intellidimension.com
* [8] Jena Semantic Web Framework. http://jena.sourceforge.net/
* [9] Northrop Grumman Corporation: Kowari Metastore. http://www.kowari.org/
* [10] Oracle Semantic Technologies Center. http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/semantic technologies/index.html
* [11] Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities. http://sioc-project.org/
* [12] Wikipedia3: A Conversion of the English Wikipedia into RDF. http://labs.systemone.at/wikipedia3
* [13] Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) 2.1. http://www.xbrl.org/Specifcation/XBRL-RECOMMENDATION-2003-12-31+CorrectedErrata-2006-12-18.rtf
* [14] Bizer C., Heath T., Ayers D., Raimond Y.: Interlinking Open Data on the Web. 4th European Semantic Web Conference. http://www.eswc2007.org/pdf/demo-pdf/LinkingOpenData.pdf
* [15] S¨ ren Auer, Jens Lehmann: What have Innsbruck and Leipzig in common? Extracting Semano tics from Wiki Content 4th European Semantic Web Conference. http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/ auer/publication/ExtractingSemantics.pdf
* [16] About MusicBrainz. http://musicbrainz.org/doc/AboutMusicBrainz
* [17] About Geonames. http://www.geonames.org/about.html
* [18] Ping The Semantic Web. http://pingthesemanticweb.com/about.php
* [19] Alan Ruttenberg: Harnessing the Semantic Web to Answer Scientifc Questions. 16th International World Wide Web Conference. http://www.w3.org/2007/Talks/www2007-AnsweringScientifcQuestions-Ruttenberg.pdf
* [20] Oracle Real Application Clusters. http://www.oracle.com/database/rac home.html
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