---+ Replication Example: 2-node Bi-directional Topology
---++ Introduction
The following Guide demonstrates the Virtuoso RDF Bi-directional Graph Replication, e.g.,
---+++Database INI Parameters
Suppose there are 2 Virtuoso instances respectively with the following ini parameters values:
1. virtuoso1.ini:
DatabaseFile = virtuoso1.db
TransactionFile = virtuoso1.trx
ErrorLogFile = virtuoso1.log
ServerPort = 1111
SchedulerInterval = 1
ServerPort = 8891
DefaultHost = localhost:8891
ServerName = db1
1. virtuoso2.ini:
DatabaseFile = virtuoso2.db
TransactionFile = virtuoso2.trx
ErrorLogFile = virtuoso2.log
ServerPort = 1112
SchedulerInterval = 1
ServerPort = 8892
DefaultHost = localhost:8892
ServerName = db2
---+++Database DSNs
Use the ODBC Administrator on your Virtuoso host (e.g., on Windows, *Start* menu -> *Control Panel* -> *Administrative Tools* -> Data Sources (ODBC); on Mac OS X, /Applications/Utilities/OpenLink ODBC Administrator.app
) to create a System DSN for db1 and db2 with names db1 and db2 respectively.
---+++Install Conductor package
On each of the 2 Virtuoso instances install the [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][conductor_dav.vad]] package.
---++Create Publication on db2
1. Go to http://localhost:8892/conductor and log in as dba
1. Go to Conductor -> Replication -> Transactional -> Publications
1. Click Enable RDF Publishing
1 As result publication with the name RDF Publication should be created
1 Click the link which is the publication name.
1 You will be shown the publication items page
1 Enter for Graph IRI:
1 Click Add New
1 The item will be created and shown in the list of items for the currently viewed publication.
---++Create subscription from db1 to db2's Publication
1 Log in at http://localhost:8891/conductor
1 Go to Replication -> Transactional -> Subscriptions
1 Click New Subscription
1 From the list of "Specify new data source" select Data Source db2
1 Enter for db2 dba user credentials
1 Click "Add Data Source"
1 As result db2 will be shown in the "Connected Data Sources" list.
1 Select db2 the "Connected Data Sources" list and click "Publications list"
1 As result will be shown the list of available publications for the selected data source. Select the one with name "RDF Publication" and click "List Items".
1 As result will be shown the "Confirm subscription" page.
1 The sync interval by default is 10 minutes. For the testing purposes, we will change it to 1 minute.
1 Click "Subscribe"
1 The subscription will be created.
---++Create Publication on db1
1. Go to http://localhost:8891/conductor and log in as dba
1. Go to Conductor -> Replication -> Transactional -> Publications
1. Click Enable RDF Publishing
1 As result publication with the name RDF Publication should be created
1 Click the link which is the publication name.
1 You will be shown the publication items page
1 Enter for Graph IRI:
1 Click Add New
1 The item will be created and shown in the list of items for the currently viewed publication.
---++Create subscription from db2 to db1's Publication
1 Log in at http://localhost:8892/conductor
1 Go to Replication -> Transactional -> Subscriptions
1 Click New Subscription
1 From the list of "Specify new data source" select Data Source db1
1 Enter for db1 dba user credentials
1 Click "Add Data Source"
1 As result db1 will be shown in the "Connected Data Sources" list. Select it and click "Publications list"
1 As result will be shown the list of available publications for the selected data source. Select the one with name "RDF Publication" and click "List Items".
1 As result will be shown the "Confirm subscription" page.
1 The sync interval by default is 10 minutes. For the testing purposes, we will change it to 1 minute.
1 Click "Subscribe"
1 The subscription will be created.
---++Insert Data into a Named Graph on the db2 Virtuoso Instance
1. Log in at http://localhost:8892/conductor
1 Go to Linked Data -> Quad Store Upload
1 In the shown form:
1 Tick the box for Resource URL and enter your resource URL, e.g.:
1 Enter for Named Graph IRI:
1 Click Upload
1 A successful upload will result in a shown message.
1 Check the count of the inserted triples by executing a query like the following against the SPARQL endpoint,
WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
1 Should return 57 as total.
---++Check data on the Destination instance db1
1 To check the starting count, execute from db1's SPARQL Endpoint:
WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
1 Should return 57 as total.
---++Add new data on db2
1 Disconnect db1.
1 On the Host Virtuoso Instance db2 go to Conductor -> Database -> Interactive SQL enter the following statement:
} ;
1 Click "Execute"
1 As result the triples will be inserted
1 Check the count of the destination instance graph's triples by executing the following query like against the SPARQL endpoint,
WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
1 Should return 58 as total.
---++Check data on the Destination instance db1
1 Start instance db1
1 To confirm that the triple count has increased by the number of inserted triples, execute the following statement on db1's SPARQL Endpoint:
WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
1 Should return 58 as total.
---++Add new data on db1
1 Disconnect db2.
1 On the Host Virtuoso Instance db1 go to Conductor -> Database -> Interactive SQL enter the following statement:
} ;
} ;
1 Click "Execute"
1 As result the triples will be inserted
1 Check the count of the destination instance graph's triples by executing the following query like against the SPARQL endpoint,
WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
1 Should return 60 as total.
---++Check data on the Destination instance db2
1 Start instance db2
1 To confirm that the triple count has increased by the number of inserted triples, execute the following statement on db2's SPARQL Endpoint:
WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
1 Should return 60 as total.
* [[VirtGraphReplicationStar][Replication Example: Star Topology]]
* [[VirtGraphReplicationChain][Replication Example: Chain Topology]]
* [[VirtGraphReplicationPSQL][Set up RDF Replication via procedure calls]]
* [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/wiki/ODS/VirtPubSubHub][Example of Linked Data Usage of PubSubHubbub Implementation]]
* [[VirtRdfReplScenarios][Exploit Virtuoso's Replication Functionality Web based Solutions]]