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  • VOS.VirtPubSubHubACL(Last) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-13 12:07:03 Edit owiki 2018-04-13 12:07:03

    Set Up PubSubHub? to use WebID? Protocol / IP based control lists

    The following Guide demonstrates how to subscribes to the publications:


    • The pubsubhub_dav.vad must be installed
    • The HTTPS listener must be configured to accept self-signed certificates
    • The Conductor must be installed

    Access Control Lists by IP

    Creating PSH Virtual Directory

    • Make sure there is /psh folder defined at your HTTPS Listener

    Testing the WebID Protocol ACLs

    1. Open the subscription demo client UI via HTTPS: in our example this would be:


    2. As result at this step you will be asked to give a certificate:
      • Select the certificate for which WebID? we have registered in PSH-SSL ACL to be allowed.

    3. In the "Subscribe/Unsubscribe" shown form enter:
      1. Callback: (the subscriber URL): your host subscribe URL. In our example it it: http://ods-qa.openlinksw.com/psh/callback.vsp
      2. Topic type: Feed
      3. Topic: the URL you have registered in PSH ACL from above. In our example it is: http://ods-qa.openlinksw.com/weblog/dav/dav-blog-0/gems/atom.xml

    4. Click "Subscribe"
    5. As result we get Success message:

    6. Next we try other certificate, or even w/o certificate.
      • Note: To manage Firefox to get new certificate you should restart your browser first.
      • Then we repeat the same steps above but with difference that we use other certificate

      • In this case when we trying to subscribe we will get 'Access denied' error:
