Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: SparqlCxml
Part 3: SparqlCxml Deep Zoom Collections
Part 4: HtmlPivotViewer
Part 5: Importing CXML
Part 6: Facet Pivot Bridge
Part 7: DETs : Persisting SPARQL Query Results to DAV
Part 8: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Part 9: Glossary
<link rel="alternate" title="My data in Linked Data form" type="application/rdf+xml" href=">"
[Plugins] LoadPath=../hosting ... Load6=plain, im Load7=plain, qrcode
http://your server name:your server port/proxy/?url=the collection url
If the collection has been generated dynamically from a SPARQL query and there is a problem generating the collection then you will also get a download error. In the message box you may get an additional message with an HTTP response code 500 and message "internal server error" This typically means that the SPARQL query has failed. A good troubleshooting method when this error occurs is to click on the CXML link in the Raw Linked Data formats section at the bottom of the page. If the query is failing then you will get a more detailed error message that should help you resolve the problem.