The following sample scenario demonstrates how to perform INSERT/DELETE (SPARUL) statements against a protected SPARQL Endpoint by setting WebID? Protocol ACLs using the Virtuoso Authentication Server UI:
package, if not already installed.
, where <cname>:<port>
are replaced by your local server values.
, where <cname>:<port>
are replaced by your local server values.
INSERT INTO GRAPH <> { <s1> <p1> <o1> . <s2> <p2> <o2> . <s3> <p3> <o3> }
Note: If the SPARQL Role "Sponge" is set instead, in order to be able to execute DELETE/INSERT statements over the protected SPARQL Endpoint, the following grants need to be performed for the user, associated with the WebID? ACL Role:
grant execute on DB.DBA.SPARQL_INSERT_DICT_CONTENT to "demo"; grant execute on DB.DBA.SPARQL_DELETE_DICT_CONTENT to "demo";