---+ Shortening URIs with Virtuoso
Long URLs are hard for humans to type or remember, and don't work very well with short message services like [[http://twitter.com/OpenLink][Twitter]] or [[http://identi.ca/kidehen][identi.ca]].
*CURIs* are compressed URIs which redirect to the original long URL. They are easier to share, type, and use in general.
The Virtuoso URI Shortener offers a way to do this in your own domain and data space, without reliance on external services such as [[http://bit.ly/][bit.ly]], [[http://is.gd/][is.gd]], or [[http://tinyurl.com/][tinyurl.com]].
---++How does it work?
All full-length URIs are stored in a Virtuoso database table which keeps a unique ID number for each URI. This ID is converted to base32 encoding, which only uses uppercase letters and numbers from 2 to 7, for use in the CURI.
Note: numbers 1 and 0 are not used in this encoding, eliminating the common visual confusion between uppercase o and number 0, and between uppercase i, lowercase L, and number 1.
---+++ Configuration Options
The prefix for loading images, CSS, etc., can be set through the Virtuoso INI file option, CURIUISkinPrefix
---++Package Installation and Accessibility
1. Download the [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][Virtuoso URI Shortener VAD]] package.
2. Install the package through the Virtuoso Conductor from the System Admin -> Packages
tab or using the isql command line program as shown below:
SQL> DB.DBA.VAD_INSTALL('tmp/c_uri_dav.vad',0);
00000 No errors detected
00000 Installation of "OpenLink Virtuoso URI Shortener" is complete.
00000 Now making a final checkpoint.
00000 Final checkpoint is made.
6 Rows. -- 1766 msec.
3. Go to Endpoint - http://<cname>/c
* Note: you could also use the page:http://<cname>[:<port>]/c/create.vsp?uri=xx
4. Paste in long URL.
* Load your service, e.g., http://<cname>/c
in your browser.
* Enter a URI, e.g.,
* Click Make CURI.
* A new CURI will be created and displayed, e.g.,