The following example demonstrates how to query from the SPARQL-WebID? endpoint (listening on default HTTPS 443 port) using cURL:
curl -k -E mykey.pem "https://localhost/sparql-webid?query=select+*+where+\{+%3Fx+%3Fy+%3Fz+.+\}+limit+10&format=text%2Fn3" @prefix res: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . _:_ a res:ResultSet . _:_ res:resultVariable "x" , "y" , "z" . @prefix ns0: <https://localhost/tutorial/> . @prefix rdf: <> . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:hosting ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:xml ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:repl ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:rdfview ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:services ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:wap ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:bpeldemo ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:web ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:web2 ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] . _:_ res:solution [ res:binding [ res:variable "x" ; res:value ns0:xmlxslt ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "y" ; res:value rdf:type ] ; res:binding [ res:variable "z" ; res:value "Tutorial" ] ] .