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  • VOS.ODSProgrammersGuideAPIs(Last) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-19 06:23:41 Edit owiki 2018-04-19 06:23:41

    ODS Programmers Guide APIs

    Application Specific REST APIs

    Generic REST APIs

    Import & Export APIs

    3rd Party Platform Interfaces

    Notification services API

    An application which needs to notify an external web service registered in with ODS (such as ping services on Weblogs.com) should use

    ODS.DBA.APP_PING (in _wai_name varchar, in _post_title varchar := null, in _post_url varchar := null);
    • The _wai_name is name of the application instance
    • The _post_title and _post_url are title and URL for the given post. If not supplied the home URL and description of the ODS instance will be used to notify the Web service.

    When the above is executed (usually in INSERT or UPDATE trigger), a record will be added for each subscribed service (done in ODS notification UI).

    CategoryODS CategoryApplicationController CategoryAPI CategoryToBeDone CategoryProgrammersGuide

    Copyright (C) OpenLink Software 2006