%META:TOPICINFO{author="KingsleyIdehen" date="1162261188" format="1.1" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="OdsGettingStarted"}% %VOSNAV% ---++ODS Bookmark Manager Getting Started ---+++Prerequisites 1 Virtuoso Server has been installed and is running 1 ODS and other ODS Applications including Weblog and Bookmark Manager have been successfully installed 1 Register a new ODS account or login as DBA or DAV account ---++++Login to ODS and Create your Bookmark Manager Instance 1 Using a web browser, login into you ODS user account or login as DAV or DBA by typing the following URL into your web browser: http://localhost:8890/ods/ 1 Select the Bookmarks tab from the ODS Bar 1 Select the "Create New" Link 1 Enter your Bookmark Manager name, URL and click the button labeled "Create and Launch Application", which will create a new Bookmark Manager instance. ---+++ Adding Bookmarks Once you have created your Bookmark Manager instance, you can started adding your bookmarks. 1 In the Navigational Toolbar, click the ICON above the label "New Bookmark" 1 In the form provided enter the Name for your bookmark, the Link (URL), tags (optional), a brief description, and create a new folder or select from a list of folders in the pull down list 1 Once you have entered the above information, click the "Save" Button which will save your bookmark. ---+++ Viewing Bookmarks 1 In the left folder tree menu, expand the folder containing your bookmark and click on the folder name to view your bookmarks. 1 In the right panel, click the highlighted bookmark you want to view. Once clicked the link contained in your save, bookmark will be presented. 1 To return to Bookmark manager, click your browser's back button. ---+++ Bookmark Manager Interface Overview The annotated graphic below provides a visual guide covering the various elements that make up the bookmark manager user interface. BookmarkGettingStarted.gif %VOSCOPY% CategoryODS CategoryODSBookmarks Manager CategoryGettingStarted %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="BookmarkGettingStarted.gif" attachment="BookmarkGettingStarted.gif" attr="" comment="" date="1161879086" path="C:\Documents and Settings\rumi\Desktop\work\BookmarkGettingStarted.gif" size="79684" stream="C:\Documents and Settings\rumi\Desktop\work\BookmarkGettingStarted.gif" user="Main.RumiTsekova" version="0"}%