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  • VOS.OdsBookmarkSubscr(Last) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-19 06:26:37 Edit owiki 2018-04-19 06:26:37

    How to subscribe to URL accessible Bookmark files?

    1. The subscriptions are defined in the Preferences page.
    2. Go to Subscriptions.
    3. Click the "New Subscription" button.
    4. In the shown form set the parameters as follows:
      1. Name of the subscription;
      2. Refresh type
        1. Manually;
        2. On scheduled interval: every [n] hours/days.
      3. Source type of the subscription source path:
        1. WebDAV path (local)
        2. URL (external WebDAV or other source)
      4. WebDAV Path / URL value.
      5. Username and password if needed.
      6. Options (Filter - What entries to be accepted?)
        1. Folder
        2. Tags

    Here is sample scenario how to set subscriptions in Bookmark Manager:

    1. Login at http://myopenlink.net:8890/ods/ as user demo
    2. Go to its Bookmark Manager
    3. Go to Preferences -> Subscriptions -> New Subscription
    4. In the shown form enter:
      1. Name: MyDemo? Bookmark
      2. Refresh type: every 1 hour
      3. Source type: URL
      4. WebDAV path/URL: http://demo.openlinksw.com/DAV/home/demo/bookmarks123.html
      5. Username and password: demo
    5. Click the button "Create".
    6. As result the subscription will be created.
    7. You can click the "Sync" button in order to force synchronization.
    8. As result, in the "Status" column will be shown the result of the synchronization.
    9. Now click the "Back" button.
    10. Expand the Bookmarks tree
    11. As result will be shown the retrieved from the subscription above bookmarks.

    CategoryOdsBookmark? CategoryBookmark CategoryODS