%META:TOPICINFO{author="DeeGerhardt" date="1149601054" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%


---+ODS Community FAQ

---+++What is ODS Community?

ODS Community is a framework which allows you to create a personalized or
branded web site.

---+++How many community web sites can I host?


---+++How do I customize my web site?

ODS Community sites can be customized with templates and by choosing from a
list of available ODS applications you want hosted on your web site.

---+++How do I add or edit a template?

 You can choose from a list of default templates or customize one of your
 own. On the Community tab bar select the "Settings" link at the top right
 just below the login and then click the "Templates" link under the
 "Community Settings" menu. In the form provided, you can customize the
 current template or pick from the list of predefined templates under the
 "Pick New" tab. Under "Pick New" select from the list and then click "Use
 Selected Template" to save your changes. If you customize the existing
 template, you have the option to edit both the template and style sheet.
 Once you are satisfied, just click the "Save Change" button to commit your
 template. Templates chosen will updated as soon as you commit your

---+++How do I add applications to my community?

 Under the Community, select the "Settings" links at the top right just
 below the login and then click the "Applications" link under the
 "Community Settings" menu. Pick from the list of "Owned" Applications
 using the double right arrow button to move under the list of "Community"
 Applications, then click the "Save" button to commit your changes.

---+++How do I add members to my community?

You can invite members by selecting the Invite Tab and sending an Invite
email or by selecting the "ODS" tab in the Community tab bar. Under ODS
click the "Setting" link in the top right corner of the page. Under
Settings, then select the "Applications" Link from the options listed.
Under Applications select the "Members" link on the row that contains your
community and invite or select a user from the list to add to your
community membership.

---+++How do I search my community?

On the Community tab bar select the "Search Community Users" link at the
top right just below the login. Search community users by First Name, Last
Name Keywords, Tags or location.

---+++How do I view new members profiles?

Under the members or new members, box on the left click any members link.
The link will bring you to the members profile page, which includes their
contact information, location map, and list of their friends.


CategoryODS CategoryFAQ CategoryOdsCommunity CategoryCommunity