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  • VOS.MediaWikiSIOCRef(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:40:58 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:40:58

    MediaWiki SIOC Reference

    What is it about?

    By hosting Mediawiki in Virtuoso, you gain integration of your data, both in its existing wiki form, with the ability to manage Talk Pages as NNTP groups, or map the MediaWiki data to the SIOC ontology for the purpose of constructing SPARQL? queries against MediaWiki articles and discussion comments.

    Why is it important?

    Treating Mediawiki as a repository of semantically marked-up data allows constructing SPARQL? Queries thereby offering a powerful search feature through mapping the data to the SIOC ontology.

    How can one use this feature?

    What are the Linked Data Views supported?

    Key MediaWiki to SIOC Mappings

    MediaWiki SIOC Sample Value
    Only 1 Wiki Instance rdf:type sioc:Container
    Instance Type rdf:type sioct:Wiki
    Instance link sioc:link "http://demo.openlinksw.com/mediawiki"

    Using SPARQL CONSTRUCT to Export SIOC-based RDF Data Sets

    CONSTRUCT-based SPARQL queries are very useful when trying to expose RDF (via a SPARQL Endpoint) to RDF Data Set consumers that do not support SPARQL. In a sense, the SPARQL CONSTRUCT statements as part of a SPARQL Protocol payload deliver a Data Web (Web 3.0) Experience to Interactive-Web Clients (Web 1.0).


    See also

    CategoryRDF CategorySIOC CategorySPARQL CategoryWiki