Dump of Orders with details for customers, company name, country, employee, etc.
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> PREFIX ndw:<http://demo.openlinksw.com/schemas/northwind#> SELECT ?cnt_name ?cmp_name ?emp_lname ?o_date ?o_freight ?s_city ?s_code WHERE { ?ord a ndw:Order. ?ord ndw:has_customer ?ctr . ?ctr ndw:country ?cnt_name . ?ctr ndw:companyName ?cmp_name . ?ord ndw:has_employee ?hem . ?hem ndw:lastName ?emp_lname . ?ord ndw:orderDate ?o_date . ?ord ndw:freight ?o_freight . ?ord ndw:shipCity ?s_city . ?ord ndw:shipPostal_code ?s_code . } LIMIT 200
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