---++Yadis Overview
---+++What is Yadis?
Yadis is an authentication service discovery protocol allowing Compliant Clients (identity consumers or member-sites) to deductively determine authentication protocol options available from a service provider.
---+++Why is Yadis important?
It enables authentication method discovery in loosely coupled distributed network environments such as the Web.
The Yadis specification provides:
* A general purpose identifier for individuals and other entities
* A resource description document for identifying services via identifiers
* A protocol for obtaining resource description document for local processing
---+++How Is Yadis implemented in ODS?
Every ODS dataspace user page provides Yadis compliant information.
Included in the head section of the user page is (for example, for user demo at http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/ ):
---+++How do I use Yadis?
The ODS Yadis URL is:
For example, for user demo at http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/ --
The ODS implementation of Yadis has been tested with a number of Yadis Compliant Clients. All tests were performed using our public [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods][ODS Demo Server]]
---+++++[[http://demoserver.leasystem.info/demo.exe/Check][leaSystem Yadis Check]]
Passed successfully.
Yadis Check
InfoAgent found an XRDS using the X-XRDS-Location HTTP header.
OKThe XRDS document is valid!
Now try checking for a specific type identifier:
Your document looks like this (after being handled by my XML parser):
---++++[[http://netmesh.org/projects/yadis/][NetMesh Yadis area]]
Tested with the Perl Scripts provided by the url above.
* Passed successfully.
---++++[[http://firstsso.netmesh.org/][NetMesh FirstSSO]]
* [[http://firstsso.netmesh.org/infogrid-php/?lid=][NetMesh InfoGrid LID PHP implementation]]: Passed successfully.
* [[http://firstsso.netmesh.org/infogrid-java/?lid=][NetMesh InfoGrid LID Java implementation]]: Passed successfully.
* [[http://firstsso.netmesh.org/infogrid-perl/?lid=][NetMesh InfoGrid LID Perl implementation]]:
* [[http://firstsso.netmesh.org/infogrid-perl/?lid=][The NetMesh's perl]] test page even fails with myopenid identity. It does not redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.
* according to the notes from [[http://lists.danga.com/pipermail/yadis/2005-August/001370.html][OpenID support in Textpattern mailing list]], attempt to Login at the url below as user test, pwd 9xycp0 fails. Can not find way to authentication with OpenID, either.
* [[http://yadis.org][Yadis Community Site]]
* [[http://yadis.org/wiki/Yadis_Protocol_Draft_0.8][Yadis Protocol]]
* [[http://yadis.org/wiki/Yadis_Services_Listing][Yadis Services Listing]]
* [[http://yadis.org/wiki/Yadis_Online_Tools][Yadis Online Tools]]
CategoryODS CategoryYadis