How to publish Addressbook contacts?
ODS Addressbook offers the feature to publish contacts items:
- Go to Preferences.
- Go to Publications.
- Click "New Publication".
- In the shown form enter the parameters as follows:
- Name: then name of the publication
- Select "Refresh type":
- manually
- after any entry is changed
- every [n] hours /days
- Select "Destination Type":
- WebDAV path
- Enter username and password if needed.
- Options (Filter - What contacts to be accepted?)
- Include with Tags
- Exclude with Tags
Here is sample scenario how to publish contacts:
- Login at http://myopenlink.net:8890/ods/ as user demo
- Go to its Addressbook
- Go to Preferences -> Publications -> New Publication
- In the shown form enter:
- Name: My contacts Publication
- Refresh type: every 1 hour
- Source type: URL
- WebDAV path/URL: http://demo.openlinksw.com/DAV/home/demo/mycontacts.txt
- Username and password: demo
- Click "Create".
- As result the publication will be created.
- You can click the "Sync" button in order to force synchronization.
- As result the Status should be shown as "OK" and also should be shown the date of execution.
- Let's check what is the content of the created file:
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 REV:2007-05-18T10:52:43.000-04:00 UID:14F2619C-13E0-11DD-98DF-FD73DD4D8578@localhost NICKNAME:test TS:-12 END:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 REV:2008-10-08T16:24:43.000-04:00 UID:243474B0-9577-11DD-98DF-FD73DD4D8578@localhost NICKNAME:Kingsley END:VCARD
CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryAddressBook CategoryOdsAddressBook