---++ODS API for data access & manipulation
The code location is the ods_controllers.sql
from the ODS package.
All requests are authorized via one of :
1. HTTP authentication (not yet supported)
2. OAuth
3. VSPX session (sid & realm)
4. username=<user>&password=<pass>
The authenticated account becomes the effective user.
Important Note: Any API method MUST follow naming convention as follows:
* methods : ods.<object type>.<action>
* parameters : <lower_case>
* composite parameters: atom-pub, OpenSocial XML format
* response : GData format, i.e., Atom extension
Note: some of the methods below use ods_api.sql code
---+++Supported Web Services Endpoints
Full collection of Supported Web Services Endpoints can be viewed [[ODSWebServicesEndpoints][here]].
---++++User account activity
---+++++User register
* Description: register ODS user
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.register"
* Parameters:
* name
: desired user account name
* password
: desired password
* email
: user's e-mail address
---+++++Authenticate ODS account
* Description: Authenticate ODS account using name & password hash. Will
establish a session in VSPX_SESSION table
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.authenticate"
* Parameters:
* user_name
: ODS user name
* password_hash
: password hash
---+++++User Update
* Description: Update user details
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.update"
* Parameters:
* user_info
: array of user details
---+++++User password change
* Description: Change user's password
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.password_change"
* Parameters:
* new_password
: new password
---+++++User delete
* Description: Deletes ODS user
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.delete"
* Parameters:
* name
: Name of the ODS user to be deleted
---+++++User freeze
* Description: Freeze User. This is ODS admin privilege
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.freeze"
* Parameters:
* name
: Name of the ODS user to be frozen.
---+++++Get User Details
* Description: Gets ODS user details
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.get"
* Parameters:
* name
: the name of the ODS user
---+++++Search for user
* Description: performs search for ODS user by given pattern
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.search"
* Parameters:
* pattern
: the search pattern
---++++Social Network activity
---+++++Invite User
* Description: Sends invitation to friends
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.invite"
* Parameters:
* friends_email
: email to which the invitation
to be sent
* custom_message
: the message to be included
in the invitation
---+++++Process invitation
* Description: process given invitation
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.invitation"
* Parameters:
* invitation_id
: id of the invitation
* approve
: if 1
, approved; if
, not approved.
---+++++Get user's invitations
* Description: get user's invitations
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.invitations.get"
* Parameters: none
---+++++User terminate relation
* Description: Terminates relation friend with user
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.relation_terminate"
* Parameters:
* friend
: the name of the user in relation with.
---+++User Settings
---+++++Tagging Rules
---+++++User Add Tagging Rules
* Description: adds tagging rules
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.tagging_rules.add"
* Parameters:
* rulelist_name
: name of the rule
* rules
: array of the rule set
* is_public
: if 1
, public; else, private
---+++++User Delete Tagging rule
* Description: deletes user tagging rule
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.tagging_rules.delete"
* Parameters:
* rulelist_name
: name of the rule to be deleted
---+++++User Update Tagging Rule
* Description: updates user tagging rule
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.tagging_rules.update"
* Parameters:
* rulelist_name
: rule name
* rule
: array of values for the tagging rule to be updated.
---+++++Hyperlinking Rules
---+++++User Add hyperlinking rules
* Description: Adds hyperlinking to rules.
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.hyperlinking_rules.add"
* Parameters:
* rules
: rules to be added
---+++++User Update hyperlinking rules
* Description: Update hyperlinking rules
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.hyperlinking_rules.update"
* Parameters:
* rules
: rules to be updated
---+++++User Delete hyperlinking rules
* Description: Delete User hyperlinking rules
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.hyperlinking_rules.delete"
* Parameters:
* rules
: rules to be deleted
---+++++User get FOAF data
* Description: Gets User data by given FOAF IRI
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."user.getFOAFData"
* Parameters:
* foafIRI
: foafIRI of the user
---++++Application instance activity
---+++++Instance Create
* Description: Creates ODS instance
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.create"
* Parameters:
* type
: class type of the instance
* name
: name of the instance
* description
: short description
* model
: model of the instance
* public
: if 1, public; else, private
---+++++Instance Update
* Description: Update instance properties
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.update"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: id of the instance
* name
: name of the instance
* description
: description of the instance
* model
: model type
* public
: if 1, public; else, private
---+++++Instance Delete
* Description: Delete Instance
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.delete"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: id of the instance to be deleted
---+++++Join to Instance
* Description: Join existing instance
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.join"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: id of the instance to join to
---+++++Join instance Remove
* Description: Remove existing join to instance
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.disjoin"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: id of the instance to remove the join from
---+++++Instance Join Approve
* Description: Approve request to join to instance
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.join_approve"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: id of the instance to join
* uname
: username requested the join
---+++++Notification Services
* Description: Returns notification services properties
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."notification.services"
* Parameters: none
---+++++Instance Notification Services
* Description: Returns instance services notification
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.notification.services"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: instance id
---+++++Instance Notification Set
* Description: Instance notification set
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.notification.set"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: id of the instance
* services
: array of services properties values
---+++++Instance Notification Cancel
* Description: Cancel Instance Notification
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.notification.cancel"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: id of the instance
* services
: list of services
---+++++Instance Notification Log
* Description: Shows instance notification log
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.notification.log"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: id of the instance
---+++++Instance Search
* Description: Search for instance by given pattern
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.search"
* Parameters:
* pattern
: search pattern
---+++++Instance Get
* Description: Get Instance Properties
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."instance.get"
* Parameters:
* inst_id
: id of the instance
---++++Global Actions
---+++++Site Search
* Description: Search within the ODS Data Space
* API name: ODS.ODS_API."site.search"
* Parameters:
* pattern
: search pattern
* options
: search options
---+++++Error Handler
* Description: Error handler
* API name: ODS.ODS_API.error_handler
* Parameters: none
CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryAPI