Discussions FAQ
What is Discussions?
ODS-Discussions is a manager for reading the posts of ODS-Newsgroups and NNTP Newsgroups, for which the admin user has subscribe for from the Conductor UI.
How can I create ODS-Newsgroups?
The following ODS Applications support ODS-Newsgroup enable feature:
- Go to your Weblog instance->Settings->Preferences->Site Access->Conversation
- check the check-boxes with labels "Enable conversation on this blog" and "Initialize the news group with existing posts"
- Go to "New Post" and send 1 post
- You may also want for the sent post to add comment(s)
- Go to the "Discussion" tab from the Main ODS Navigation Bar.
- As result there will be shown a new created Weblog Newsgroup, which will contain the post(s) and comment(s) you have sent.
- Go to your Weblog instance->Cluster Settings
- For the section "Conversation (NNTP integration)" click the "Turn On" button and then click "Save changes"
- Create a wiki article and click the "Conversation" link
- You may wish to send comments from the shown post form
- Go to the "Discussion" tab from the Main ODS Navigation Bar.
- As result there will be shown a new created Wiki Newsgroup, which will contain the new created article as post, and its post(s) comment(s) that you have sent.
ODS-Feeds Manager
- Go to your Feed Manager instance and subscribe for several feeds.
- Go to Preferences->Conversation
- Check the check-boxes with labels "Enable conversation on this instance" and "Initialize the news group with existing posts".
- Go to tab "Read"->"Feeds" and from the 2nd pane with the list of feed's posts select a post by clicking its "Headline" link.
- As result the content of the post will be shown in the 3td pane and also a new link "Conversation" will be shown.
- You may want to post comments to the post using the "Conversation" link.
- Go to the "Discussion" tab from the Main ODS Navigation Bar.
- As result there will be shown a new created Feeds Newsgroup, which will contain the feed's posts and its comment(s) that you have sent.
- Go to your Webmail instance->Preferences
- For the "Conversation" section check the check-box with label "Enable conversation on this instance".
- In order to view your webmail posts as posts in Discussion, you should have for the posts not-empty value for DCC:
- Click the button "Write Message"
- In the shown form enter values for the fields: "To", "Subject" and "Message".
- Click the "Add DCC" link and enter a valid e-mail address.
- Click the button "send message" or the button "save draft".
- Go to the "Discussion" tab from the Main ODS Navigation Bar.
- As result there will be shown a new created Webmail Newsgroup, which will contain the posts with "DCC" value.
How can I add NNTP Newsgroup using Conductor?
- Make sure that the "NewsServerPort?" parameter is enabled in your ini file:
... [HTTPServer] ... NewsServerPort = 1235 ...
- Go to Conductor UI, for example: http://localhost:8890/conductor
- Login as dba user
- Go to the "NNTP" tab from the main Conductor Navigation Bar
- Go to "News Servers"->"NNTP Servers"
- In the shown form add a NNTP Server.
- Now click the new added link in the "Server Address" column
- You may wish to subscribe to a list of newsgroups available on this server
- Go to the "Discussion" tab from the Main ODS Navigation Bar.
- As result there will be shown the newsgroups from the NNTP Server you have subscribed for.
How is Discussion organized?
- The main page of the application shows the list of available newsgroups either subscribed for from the Conductor UI, or from the ODS-applications Weblog, Wiki, Feed Manager or Webmail.
- there are 2 modes offered: simple list and thread view. This is both for newsgroups and for posts.
Can I add tag(s) to post(s)?
Yes. You can add tags to newsgroups by clicking the "tags(n)" link, which is shown for every newsgroup.
Can I personalize Discussions?
In order to personalize your Discussion list, you should have admin privilidjes:
- Login at Discussions as user dba
- Go to Settings.
- As result the shown form divides the newsgroups in 2 lists, depending either they are ODs-Newsgroup or NNTP Newsgroup from Conductor.
CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryDiscussions CategoryFAQ