WARNING! This URL (in the Main cluster) is no longer the authoritative source for this page; it has been moved to the VOS or ODS cluster as appropriate instead.
See Tim Haynes in case of confusion.
ODS Feed Manager
A Web-based Feed Aggregator and Reader that supports a wide range of content syndication formats including RSS, Atom, OPML, and OCS.
Feature Highlights
Presentation & Content
- Read and organize your content feeds without having to leave your browser or launch a separate application
- Email Style 3-Pane layout for easy navigation of folders, feeds and read news and stories
- Tag, Flag, Email, and Blog items as you read so you can find important information quickly
- Feed Manager imports and exports content to, and from, feed aggregation formats such as OPML or OCS.
- Organize Feeds into folders and subfolders by topic and tag
- Smart folders - dynamic and virtualized views of content based search criteria.
- Sophisticated search - basic Free Text, GData, SPARQL, XQuery, and XPath
- Search includes keywords and content metadata.
How Do I ...?
Quick Start Guides
Feed Manager Tutorials
Reference Guides
See also
CategoryODS CategoryFeedManager CategoryOdsFeedManager CategoryWebSite