%META:TOPICINFO{author="BorislavDimitrov" date="" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%
---++ OpenLink Data Spaces Framework API
---++API - Getting Started.
Contains 2 procedures accessible by SOAP
| ODS_CREATE_USER | Automatic creation of new user without going trough web registration procedure.||
| |in _username varchar,|login for user to create |
| |in _passwd varchar,|password for created user |
| |in _email varchar,|email address for user |
| |in _host varchar := '', |desired domain for which user will be created, if not supplied URIQA default host will be taken|
| |in _creator_username varchar :='',|if registration for domain is prohibited authentication of administrator of the domain is required in order to authorize account create |
| |in _creator_passwd varchar :=''|password for authorized administrator;|
| | | |
| |RESULT is INTEGER (created user id) if successful, otherwise varchar - ERROR MESSAGE;||
| ODS_CREATE_NEW_APP_INST | creates instance of determined type for given user ||
| |in app_type varchar,|VALID WA_TYPE of application to create |
| |in inst_name varchar,|desired name for the instance |
| |in owner varchar,|username of the owner of the instance |
| |in model int := 0,|refers to Membership model(Open,Closed,Invitation only,Approval based)|
| |in pub int := 1,|refers to Visible to public property |
| |in inst_descr varchar := null|description for the instance |
| |result is INTEGER (instance id)if successful, otherwise varchar - ERROR MESSAGE ||
Access to procedures granted to GDATA_ODS SOAP user using [/ods_services] web services endpoint .
It is supposed to use shttp when using the SOAP procedure for creating user authenticated by admin account.
CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryWebSite