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  • VOS.OdsKeyImport(1.2) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-19 06:29:07 Edit owiki 2018-04-19 06:29:07

    CA Keys Import using Conductor


    The Virtuoso Conductor allows easy import of user-level CA (Certificate Authority) Keys through System Admin -> User Accounts -> Edit.


    The dba user (typically) or other users may need CA keys to execute different services.

    For ODS, the dba user must import a certificate with primary key and with name id_rsa. The process takes the following steps:

    1. A signing authority (e.g., RSA Labs) generates a site certificate.
    2. The site certificate is used to generate certificates for ODS users.
    3. The site certificate is imported with name id_rsa for user dba using the Conductor.

    4. As a result, the ODS user certificates can be authenticated against the site certificate.

    If there is a service that requires a different key, the Conductor can be used to import another certificate for the relevant user.


    You can use a Key from a global signing authority or produce a self-signed key using the ODS Identity Manager.

    Details and more information how to generate the key you can find here.


    CategoryVirtuoso CategoryDocumentation CategorySecurity CategoryConductor