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  • VOS.OdsMailInstallGuideWindows(1.2) -- Owiki? , 2018-04-19 06:29:10 Edit owiki 2018-04-19 06:29:10

    Mail Installation Steps for Windows

    1. You can use Windows version of Mail drop program and standard MS SMTP Server. The Mail Drop application includes the following files:
    2. The files maildrop.dll and odbc_mail.exe you can found in your Virtuoso installation folder.
    3. Place the files from above in the Virtuoso Server folder and execute:

      C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin\register.bat /register domain.com

    4. The output could be like the following:

      C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>register.bat /register domain.com C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem Register OpenLink MailDrop Sink. C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem To learn more about this product, or any other product in our C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem portfolio, please check out our web site at: C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem http://www.openlinksw.com C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem or contact us at: C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem general.information@openlinksw.com C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem If you have any technical questions, please contact our support C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem staff at: C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem technical.support@openlinksw.com C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>rem assigning priority (0 of 32767) registered OpenLink MailDrop set property Command to C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin\odbc_mail.exe C:\Virtuoso6.0\bin>

    5. As result will be registered a rule in your MS SMTP server which means:

      "If incoming message is for domain domain.com, then execute odbc_mail.exe"

    6. Configure the SMTP server so to add domain.com as alias or as default domain name. This can be done via Internet Information Services Administration:

      Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services.