This is a SAPI module for PHP 5.x, implemented as a Virtuoso loadable module.
To build the plugin, you first need to build a, configured with ZTS (Zend Thread Safety), thus download a copy of the PHP sources. The version tested against was 5.2.10.
./configure \ --prefix=/usr/local/php-5.2.10 \ --enable-maintainer-zts \ --enable-embed=shared \ --with-config-file-path=. \ --with-tsrm-pthreads \ --disable-static \ --disable-cgi \ --disable-ipv6 \ --without-mysql \ --without-pear \ --enable-bcmath=shared \ --enable-calendar \ --enable-dbase=shared \ --enable-dba=shared \ --enable-dom=shared \ --enable-exif=shared \ --enable-ftp=shared \ --enable-gd-native-ttf \ --enable-mbstring=shared \ --enable-pdo \ --enable-shmop=shared \ --enable-soap=shared \ --enable-sockets=shared \ --enable-sysvmsg=shared \ --enable-sysvsem=shared \ --enable-sysvshm=shared \ --enable-wddx=shared \ --enable-xmlreader=shared \ --enable-xmlwriter=shared \ --with-bz2=shared \ --with-curl=shared \ --with-gd=shared \ --with-iodbc=/usr/local/iODBC \ --with-ldap=shared \ --with-mime-magic=shared \ --with-openssl=shared \ --with-pdo-odbc="generic,/usr/local/iODBC,iodbc,-L/usr/local/iODBC/lib,-I/usr/local/iODBC/include" \ --with-sqlite=shared \ --with-xmlrpc=shared \ --with-xsl=shared \ --with-xsl=shared \ --with-zlib \ ... NOTE: The options above require a number of other libraries to be installed prior to building PHP. On systems where these external libraries are not available as system libraries you may need additional configure options to point where certain libraries are installed.
make make install
./configure .... --enable-php5=/usr/local/php-5.2.10 ...... or if you configured Virtuoso before in this directory: ./config.nice --enable-php5=/usr/local/php-5.2.10 so the build process knows where to find the necessary PHP header files.
extensions_dir = PREFIX/hosting/php
[Plugins] .. Load7 = attach, Load8 = Hosting,
The Virtuoso php hosting plugin adds the following default settings to the php.ini file:
[Virtuoso] virtuoso.logging = On virtuoso.local_dsn = Local Virtuoso virtuoso.allow_dba = 0
If virtuoso.logging
is On, all php messages are passed back to the virtuoso logwriter.
The virtuoso.local_dsn
is by default set to "Local Virtuoso" which is the DSN in your odbc.ini file normally associated with your local virtuoso database.
The virtuoso.allow_dba
option rejects the use of the dba uid when using the __virt_internal_dsn()
function detailed below.
__virt_internal_dsn([optional dsn])
Normally when programming a PHP application you have to store datasource, username and password credentials for making ODBC connections back into the database. This can be a security risk and requires the administrator to fix scripts manually when he wants to run a hosted application under its own sql account.
The __virt_internal_dsn() function returns an ODBC connect string based on the VSP user that owns the Virtual Directory.
It starts by verifying that the Virtual Directory has been properly setup and that there is a valid user that has not been disabled and is allowed to make SQL connections, else it will log a message and return FALSE.
If the user is a system privileged user like dba or dav and the virtuoso.allow.dba setting is disabled, the function will log a message and return FALSE.
The function will return an ODBC
This string can be used directly with the odbc_connect function in your script. If you want your PHP application also outside of the virtuoso hosting environment, you can use it like this:
<?php // // ODBC Connection Variables // $o_DSN = 'ChangeMe'; $o_UID = 'ChangeMe'; $o_PWD = 'ChangeMe'; if (function_exists ('__virt_internal_dsn')) { $db = odbc_connect (__virt_internal_dsn(), null, null); } else { $db = odbc_connect ($o_DSN, $o_UID, $o_PWD); } if (!$db) error_log ('odbc_connect failed'); // ..... odbc_disconnect ($db); ?>
Here is an example of a Virtuoso SQL script that creates a database schema and a table, a user that owns the schema and a vhost entry that can be used for a PHP application.
myapp.sql: -- -- Sample script -- -- -- Create the MYAPP schema -- use MYAPP ; -- -- Create a user MYADMIN who owns the table in this schema -- db.dba.user_create ( 'MYADMIN', -- Account name uuid (), -- Random UUID as password vector ('LOGIN_QUALIFIER', 'MYAPP', 'SQL_ENABLE', 1, 'DAV_ENABLE', 0, 'FULL_NAME', 'MYAPP Administrator')) ; -- -- Create the tables in this schema -- create table MYTABLE ( mt_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, mt_value VARCHAR (32) ) ; -- -- Insert some sample data -- insert into MYAPP.DBA.MYTABLE VALUES (1, 'Apple'); insert into MYAPP.DBA.MYTABLE VALUES (2, 'Pear'); insert into MYAPP.DBA.MYTABLE VALUES (3, 'Banana'); insert into MYAPP.DBA.MYTABLE VALUES (4, 'Pineapple'); -- -- Add permissions -- grant all privileges on MYAPP.DBA.MYTABLE to MYADMIN ; -- -- Create a new virtual path in Virtuoso -- -- Point to $VIRTUOSO/vsp/testapp on filesystem -- db.dba.vhost_remove (lpath=>'/myapp'); db.dba.vhost_define ( lpath=>'/myapp', ppath=>'/testapp', is_dav=>0, is_brws=>0, vsp_user=>'MYADMIN', def_page=>'myapp.php') ; -- -- End of sample --
And the $VIRTUOSO/vsp/testapp/myapp.php:
<?php $db = odbc_connect (__virt_internal_dsn(), null, null); if (!$db) error_log ('odbc_connect failed'); $rs = odbc_exec ($db, 'select * from MYAPP.DBA.MYTEST'); odbc_result_all ($rs); odbc_close ($db); ?>