--  $Id: DET_Bookmark.sql,v 1.2 2007/03/28 10:48:50 source Exp $
--  This file is part of the OpenLink Software Virtuoso Open-Source (VOS)
--  project.
--  Copyright (C) 1998-2006 OpenLink Software
--  This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
--  Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License, dated June 1991.
--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
--  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
--  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
--  51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

use DB

create function "bookmark_FIXNAME" (in mailname any) returns varchar
      replace (
        replace (
          replace (
            replace (
              replace (
                replace (
                  replace (mailname, '/', '_'), '\\', '_'), ':', '_'), '+', '_'), '\"', '_'), '[', '_'), ']', '_');

create function "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME" (in title varchar, in id integer) returns varchar
  if (title is null or title = '')
    return "bookmark_FIXNAME"(sprintf('%d.xbel', id));
  return "bookmark_FIXNAME"(sprintf('%s (%d).xbel', title, id));

create function "bookmark_ACCESS_PARAMS" (in detcol_id any, out access varchar, out gid integer, out uid integer)
  declare access_tmp varchar;
  whenever not found goto ret;
  access := '100000000NN';
  gid := http_nogroup_gid ();
  uid := http_nobody_uid ();
  if (isinteger (detcol_id))
    select COL_PERMS, COL_GROUP, COL_OWNER into access_tmp, gid, uid from WS.WS.SYS_DAV_COL where COL_ID = detcol_id;
  access[0] := access_tmp[0];
  access[1] := access_tmp[1];
--  access[3] := access_tmp[3];

--| This matches DAV_AUTHENTICATE (in id any, in what char(1), in req varchar, in a_uname varchar, in a_pwd varchar, in a_uid integer := null)
--| The difference is that the DET function should not check whether the pair of name and password is valid; the auth_uid is not a null already.
create function "bookmark_DAV_AUTHENTICATE" (in id any, in what char(1), in req varchar, in auth_uname varchar, in auth_pwd varchar, in auth_uid integer)
  --dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_AUTHENTICATE (', id, what, req, auth_uname, auth_pwd, auth_uid, http_dav_uid(), ')');
  if (auth_uid < 0)
    return -12;
  if (not ('100' like req))
    --dbg_obj_princ ('a_uid2 is ', auth_uid, ', id[3] is ', id[2], ' mismatch');
    return -13;
  if ((auth_uid <> id[2]) and (auth_uid <> http_dav_uid()))
    --dbg_obj_princ ('a_uid is ', auth_uid, ', id[3] is ', id[2], ' mismatch');
    return -13;
  return auth_uid;

--| This exactly matches DAV_AUTHENTICATE_HTTP (in id any, in what char(1), in req varchar, in can_write_http integer, inout a_lines any, inout a_uname varchar, inout a_pwd varchar, inout a_uid integer, inout a_gid integer, inout _perms varchar) returns integer
--| The function should fully check access because DAV_AUTHENTICATE_HTTP do nothing with auth data either before or after calling this DET function.
--| Unlike DAV_AUTHENTICATE, user name passed to DAV_AUTHENTICATE_HTTP header may not match real DAV user.
--| If DET call is successful, DAV_AUTHENTICATE_HTTP checks whether the user have read permission on mount point collection.
--| Thus even if DET function allows anonymous access, the whole request may fail if mountpoint is not readable by public.
create function "bookmark_DAV_AUTHENTICATE_HTTP" (in id any, in what char(1), in req varchar, in can_write_http integer, inout a_lines any, inout a_uname varchar, inout a_pwd varchar, inout a_uid integer, inout a_gid integer, inout _perms varchar) returns integer
        declare rc integer;
        declare puid, pgid, ruid, rgid integer;
        declare u_password, pperms varchar;
        -- anon are never allowed for mails! declare allow_anon integer;
        if (length (req) <> 3)
                return -15;
        whenever not found goto nf_col_or_res;
        if ((what <> 'R') and (what <> 'C'))
                return -14;
        -- allow_anon := WS.WS.PERM_COMP (substring (cast (pperms as varchar), 7, 3), req);
        if (a_uid is null)
                -- if ((not allow_anon) or ('' <> WS.WS.FINDPARAM (a_lines, 'Authorization:')))
                rc := WS.WS.GET_DAV_AUTH (a_lines, 0, can_write_http, a_uname, u_password, a_uid, a_gid, _perms);
                if (rc < 0)
                        return rc;
        if (isinteger (a_uid))
                if (a_uid < 0)
                        return a_uid;
                if (a_uid = 1) -- Anonymous FTP
                        a_uid := http_nobody_uid ();
                        a_gid := http_nogroup_gid ();
        if ((a_uid <> id[2]) and (a_uid <> http_dav_uid()))
                -- dbg_obj_princ ('a_uid is ', a_uid, ', id[3] is ', id[3], ' mismatch');
                return -13;
        if (not ('100' like req))
                return -13;
        return a_uid;
        return -1;

--| This matches DAV_GET_PARENT (in id any, in st char(1), in path varchar) returns any
create function "bookmark_DAV_GET_PARENT" (in id any, in st char(1), in path varchar) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_GET_PARENT (', id, st, path, ')');
  return -20;

--| When DAV_COL_CREATE_INT calls DET function, authentication, check for lock and check for overwrite are passed, uid and gid are translated from strings to IDs.
--| Check for overwrite, but the deletion of previously existing collection should be made by DET function.
create function "bookmark_DAV_COL_CREATE" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in permissions varchar, in uid integer, in gid integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_COL_CREATE (', detcol_id, path_parts, permissions, uid, gid, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| It looks like that this is redundant and should be removed at all.
create function "bookmark_DAV_COL_MOUNT" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in full_mount_path varchar, in mount_det varchar, in permissions varchar, in uid integer, in gid integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_COL_MOUNT (', detcol_id, path_parts, full_mount_path, mount_det, permissions, uid, gid, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| It looks like that this is redundant and should be removed at all.
create function "bookmark_DAV_COL_MOUNT_HERE" (in parent_id any, in full_mount_path varchar, in permissions varchar, in uid integer, in gid integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_COL_MOUNT_HERE (', parent_id, full_mount_path, permissions, uid, gid, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| When DAV_DELETE_INT calls DET function, authentication and check for lock are passed.
create function "bookmark_DAV_DELETE" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in what char(1), in silent integer, in auth_uid integer) returns integer
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_DELETE (', detcol_id, path_parts, what, silent, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| When DAV_RES_UPLOAD_STRSES_INT calls DET function, authentication and check for locks are performed before the call.
--| There's a special problem, known as 'Transaction deadlock after reading from HTTP session'.
--| The DET function should do only one INSERT of the 'content' into the table and do it as late as possible.
--| The function should return -29 if deadlocked or otherwise broken after reading blob from HTTP.
create function "bookmark_DAV_RES_UPLOAD" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, inout content any, in type varchar, in permissions varchar, in uid integer, in gid integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_RES_UPLOAD (', detcol_id, path_parts, ', [content], ', content, type, permissions, uid, gid, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| When DAV_PROP_REMOVE_INT calls DET function, authentication and check for locks are performed before the call.
--| The check whether it's a system name or not is _not_ permitted.
create function "bookmark_DAV_PROP_REMOVE" (in id any, in what char(0), in propname varchar, in silent integer, in auth_uid integer) returns integer
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_PROP_REMOVE (', id, what, propname, silent, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| When DAV_PROP_SET_INT calls DET function, authentication and check for locks are performed before the call.
--| The check whether it's a system property or not is _not_ permitted and the function should return -16 for live system properties.
create function "bookmark_DAV_PROP_SET" (in id any, in what char(0), in propname varchar, in propvalue any, in overwrite integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_PROP_SET (', id, what, propname, propvalue, overwrite, auth_uid, ')');
  if (propname[0] = 58)
      return -16;
  return -20;

--| When DAV_PROP_GET_INT calls DET function, authentication and check whether it's a system property are performed before the call.
create function "bookmark_DAV_PROP_GET" (in id any, in what char(0), in propname varchar, in auth_uid integer)
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_PROP_GET (', id, what, propname, auth_uid, ')');
  return -11;

--| When DAV_PROP_LIST_INT calls DET function, authentication is performed before the call.
--| The returned list should contain only user properties.
create function "bookmark_DAV_PROP_LIST" (in id any, in what char(0), in propmask varchar, in auth_uid integer)
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_PROP_LIST (', id, what, propmask, auth_uid, ')');
  return vector ();

--| When DAV_PROP_GET_INT or DAV_DIR_LIST_INT calls DET function, authentication is performed before the call.
create function "bookmark_DAV_DIR_SINGLE" (in id any, in what char(0), in path any, in auth_uid integer) returns any
        declare sub_id, folder_id, domain_id integer;
        declare colname, fullpath, rightcol, tag_id varchar;
        declare maxrcvdate datetime;
        --dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_DIR_SINGLE (', id, what, path, auth_uid, ')');
        sub_id := id[3];
        domain_id := id[4];
        folder_id := id[5];
        tag_id := id[7];
        fullpath := '';
        rightcol := '';
        if (folder_id > 0)
                if (sub_id = 1)
                        while (folder_id > 0)
                                colname := (select "bookmark_FIXNAME" (F_NAME)
                                        from BMK.WA.FOLDER
                                        where F_DOMAIN_ID = domain_id and F_ID = folder_id);
                                if (DAV_HIDE_ERROR (colname) is null)
                                        return -1;
                                if (rightcol = '')
                                        rightcol := colname;
                                fullpath := colname || '/' || fullpath;
                                folder_id := coalesce((select F_PARENT_ID from BMK.WA.FOLDER where F_ID = folder_id), 0);
                else if (sub_id = 2)
                        if (maxrcvdate is null)
                                maxrcvdate := coalesce ( (select max(BD_LAST_UPDATE) from BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN where year(BD_LAST_UPDATE) = domain_id),
                                        cast ('1980-01-01' as datetime));
                        colname := (select monthname(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE)
                                from SYS_USERS A,
                                        WA_MEMBER B,
                                        WA_INSTANCE C,
                                        BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D
                                where A.U_ID = id[2]
                                        and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                        and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                        and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                        and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                        and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                        and month(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = folder_id
                                        and year(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = domain_id);
                        if (DAV_HIDE_ERROR (colname) is null)
                                return -1;
                        if (rightcol = '')
                                rightcol := colname;
                        fullpath := colname || '/' || fullpath;
        if (domain_id <> 0)
                if (sub_id = 1)
                        if (maxrcvdate is null)
                                maxrcvdate := coalesce ( (select max(BD_LAST_UPDATE) from BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN where BD_DOMAIN_ID = domain_id),
                                        cast ('1980-01-01' as datetime));
                        colname := (select "bookmark_FIXNAME"(C.WAI_NAME) as orig_name
                                from SYS_USERS A,
                                        WA_MEMBER B,
                                        WA_INSTANCE C
                                where A.U_ID = id[2]
                                        and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                        and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                        and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                        and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                        and C.WAI_ID = domain_id);
                else if (sub_id = 2)
                        if (maxrcvdate is null)
                                maxrcvdate := coalesce ( (select max(BD_LAST_UPDATE) from BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN where year(BD_LAST_UPDATE) = domain_id),
                                        cast ('1980-01-01' as datetime));
                        colname := (select cast(year(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) as varchar)
                                from SYS_USERS A,
                                        WA_MEMBER B,
                                        WA_INSTANCE C,
                                        BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D
                                where A.U_ID = id[2]
                                        and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                        and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                        and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                        and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                        and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                        and year(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = domain_id);
        if (tag_id is not null)
                if (sub_id = 3)
                        if (maxrcvdate is null)
                                maxrcvdate := coalesce ( (select max(T_LAST_UPDATE) from BMK.WA.TAGS where T_TAG = tag_id), cast ('1980-01-01' as datetime));
                        colname := (select T_TAG
                                from SYS_USERS A,
                                        WA_MEMBER B,
                                        WA_INSTANCE C,
                                        BMK.WA.TAGS T
                                where A.U_ID = id[2]
                                        and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                        and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                        and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                        and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                        and T.T_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                        and T.T_TAG = tag_id);
                if (DAV_HIDE_ERROR (colname) is null)
                        return -1;
                if (rightcol = '')
                        rightcol := colname;
                fullpath := colname || '/' || fullpath; 
        if (sub_id <> 0)
                if (sub_id = 1)
                        colname := 'bookmark';
                else if (sub_id = 2)
                        colname := 'date';
                else if (sub_id = 3)
                        colname := 'tags';
                        colname := 'bookmark';
                if (DAV_HIDE_ERROR (colname) is null)
                        return -1;
                if (rightcol = '')
                        rightcol := colname;
                fullpath := colname || '/' || fullpath;
        fullpath := DAV_CONCAT_PATH (DAV_SEARCH_PATH (id[1], 'C'), fullpath);
        if ('C' = what)
                if (id[6] >= 0)
                        return -1;
                return vector (fullpath, 'C', 0, maxrcvdate, id, '100000000NN',
                        0, id[2], maxrcvdate, 'dav/unix-directory', rightcol );
        for select "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME"(BD_NAME, BD_ID) as orig_mname,
                BD_ID as m_id, BD_LAST_UPDATE
                from BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN
                where BD_ID = id[6]
                return vector (fullpath || orig_mname, 'R', 1024, BD_LAST_UPDATE, id, '100000000NN',
                        0, id[2], BD_LAST_UPDATE, 'application/xbel+xml', orig_mname);
        return -1;

--| When DAV_PROP_GET_INT or DAV_DIR_LIST_INT calls DET function, authentication is performed before the call.
create function "bookmark_DAV_DIR_LIST" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in detcol_path varchar, in name_mask varchar, in recursive integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
        --dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_DIR_LIST (', detcol_id, path_parts, detcol_path, name_mask, recursive, auth_uid,  ')');
        declare sub_id, folder_id, domain_id, ownergid, owner_uid integer;
        declare top_davpath, access varchar;
        declare res, grand_res any;
        declare top_id, descnames any;
        declare what char (1);
        "bookmark_ACCESS_PARAMS" (detcol_id, access, ownergid, owner_uid);
        if ((0 = length (path_parts)) or ('' = path_parts[length (path_parts) - 1]))
        what := 'C';
        what := 'R';
        sub_id := 0;
        domain_id := 0;
        folder_id := 0;
        grand_res := vector();
        if ('C' = what and 1 = length(path_parts))
                top_id := vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, 0, 0, 0, -1, null); -- may be a fake id because top_id[4] may be NULL
                top_id := "bookmark_DAV_SEARCH_ID_IMPL" (detcol_id, path_parts, what, sub_id, owner_uid, domain_id, folder_id);
        if (DAV_HIDE_ERROR (top_id) is null)
                return vector();
        top_davpath := DAV_CONCAT_PATH (detcol_path, path_parts);
        if ('R' = what)
                return vector ("bookmark_DAV_DIR_SINGLE" (top_id, what, top_davpath, auth_uid));
        res := vector();
        if ('C' = what)
                if (top_id[3] = 0) -- top level
                        declare subs any;
                        declare cur varchar;
                        declare i integer;
                        i := 0;
                        subs := vector('bookmark', 'date', 'tags');
                        for (i := 0; i < 3; i := i + 1)
                                cur := cast(subs[i] as varchar);
                                res := vector_concat (res, vector (vector (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (top_davpath, cur) || '/', 'C', 0, now(),
                                        vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, null, null, null, -1, null),
                                        '100000000NN', ownergid, owner_uid, now(), 'dav/unix-directory', cur) ) );
                        return res;
                if (top_id[3] = 1 and top_id[4] = 0) -- level of bookmarks, list of Bookmark instances
                        for select "bookmark_FIXNAME"(C.WAI_NAME) as orig_name
                                         from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                          res := vector_concat (res, vector (vector (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (top_davpath, orig_name) || '/', 'C', 0, now(),
                                vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, top_id[3], 0, 0, -1, null),
                                '100000000NN', ownergid, owner_uid, now(), 'dav/unix-directory', orig_name) ) );
                        return res;
                if (top_id[3] = 2 and top_id[4] = 0)  -- level of dates
                        for select distinct cast(year(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) as varchar) as orig_name
                                         from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                  BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                          res := vector_concat (res, vector (vector (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (top_davpath, orig_name) || '/', 'C', 0, now(),
                                vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, top_id[3], 0, 0, -1, null),
                                '100000000NN', ownergid, owner_uid, now(), 'dav/unix-directory', orig_name) ) );
                        return res;
                if (top_id[3] = 3 and top_id[4] = 0 and top_id[7] is null)  -- level of tags, lists of keywords
                        for select distinct T_TAG as orig_name
                                         from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                  BMK.WA.TAGS D
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and D.T_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                          and T_TAG <> ''
                          res := vector_concat (res, vector (vector (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (top_davpath, orig_name) || '/', 'C', 0, now(),
                                vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, top_id[3], 0, 0, -1, null),
                                '100000000NN', ownergid, owner_uid, now(), 'dav/unix-directory', orig_name) ) );
                        return res;
                if (top_id[3] = 2 and top_id[4] <> 0 and top_id[5] = 0)  -- level of dates/years
                        for select distinct monthname(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) as orig_name
                                         from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                  BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                          and year(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = top_id[4]
                            res := vector_concat (res, vector (vector (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (top_davpath, orig_name) || '/', 'C', 0, now(),
                                vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, top_id[3], 0, 0, -1, null),
                                '100000000NN', ownergid, owner_uid, now(), 'dav/unix-directory', orig_name) ) );
                if (top_id[3] = 1 and top_id[4] <> 0) -- and top_id[5] = 0) -- level of bookmark instance, list of bookmark folders
                        declare tmp int;
                        tmp := top_id[5];
                        if (tmp = 0)
                                tmp := -1;
                        for select F_ID, "bookmark_FIXNAME" (F_NAME) as orig_name
                                from BMK.WA.FOLDER
                                where F_DOMAIN_ID = top_id[4] and F_PARENT_ID = coalesce(tmp, -1)
                                order by 1, 2
                          res := vector_concat (res, vector (vector (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (top_davpath, orig_name) || '/', 'C', 0, now(),
                                vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, top_id[3], top_id[4], F_ID, -1, null),
                                '100000000NN', ownergid, owner_uid, now(), 'dav/unix-directory', orig_name) ) );
                grand_res := res;    
        res := vector();
        if (top_id[3] = 1)
                declare tmp int;
                tmp := top_id[5];
                if (tmp = 0)
                        tmp := -1;

                for select "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME"(BD_NAME, BD_ID) as orig_mname, BD_ID as m_id, BD_LAST_UPDATE
                from BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN
                where BD_DOMAIN_ID = top_id[4] and
                        ((BD_FOLDER_ID  = top_id[5] and top_id[5] > 0) or (BD_FOLDER_ID is null and tmp = -1))
                order by 1, 2
                  res := vector_concat (res, vector (vector (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (top_davpath, orig_mname), 'R', 1024, BD_LAST_UPDATE,
                        vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, top_id[3], top_id[4], top_id[5], m_id, null),
                        '100000000NN', ownergid, owner_uid, BD_LAST_UPDATE, 'application/xbel+xml', orig_mname) ) );
        else if (top_id[3] = 2)
                for select distinct "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME"(BD_NAME, BD_ID) as orig_mname, BD_ID as m_id, BD_LAST_UPDATE
                from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                  BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                          and year(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = top_id[4] and month(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = top_id[5]
                order by 1, 2
                  res := vector_concat (res, vector (vector (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (top_davpath, orig_mname), 'R', 1024, BD_LAST_UPDATE,
                        vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, top_id[3], top_id[4], top_id[5], m_id, null),
                        '100000000NN', ownergid, owner_uid, BD_LAST_UPDATE, 'application/xbel+xml', orig_mname) ) );
        else if (top_id[3] = 3)
                for select distinct "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME"(D.BD_NAME, D.BD_ID) as orig_mname, D.BD_ID as m_id, D.BD_LAST_UPDATE, G.BD_TAGS as tags
                from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                  BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D,
                                                  BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DATA G
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                          and D.BD_BOOKMARK_ID = G.BD_BOOKMARK_ID
                                          and G.BD_TAGS is not null and G.BD_TAGS <> ''
                order by 1, 2
                        declare tags2 any;
                        tags2 := split_and_decode (tags, 0, '\0\0,');
                        foreach (any tag in tags2) do
                                tag := trim(tag);
                                if (top_id[7] = tag)
                                  res := vector_concat (res, vector (vector (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (top_davpath, orig_mname), 'R', 1024, BD_LAST_UPDATE,
                                        vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, top_id[3], 0, 0, m_id, tag),
                                        '100000000NN', ownergid, owner_uid, BD_LAST_UPDATE, 'application/xbel+xml', orig_mname)));
        grand_res := vector_concat (grand_res, res);
        return grand_res;

create procedure "bookmark_DAV_FC_PRED_METAS" (inout pred_metas any)
        pred_metas := vector(
    'BD_ID',                                    vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'               , 0, 'integer', 'BD_ID'   ),
        'BD_DOMAIN_ID',                         vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'               , 0, 'integer', 'BD_DOMAIN_ID'   ),
    'BD_BOOKMARK_ID',                   vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'               , 0, 'integer', 'BD_BOOKMARK_ID'     ),
    'BD_FOLDER_ID',                     vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'               , 0, 'integer'  , 'BD_FOLDER_ID' ),
    'RES_NAME',                 vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'             , 0, 'varchar'  , '"bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME" (BD_NAME, BD_ID)'       ),
    'RES_FULL_PATH',            vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'     , 0, 'varchar'  , 'concat (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (_param.detcolpath, ''bookmark'', "bookmark_FIXNAME" (WAI_NAME)), ''/'', "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME" (BD_NAME, BD_ID)'       ),
    'RES_TYPE',                 vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'     , 0, 'varchar'  , '(''application/xbel+xml'')'    ),
    'RES_OWNER_ID',             vector ('SYS_USERS'       , 0, 'integer'  , 'U_ID'        ),
    'RES_OWNER_NAME',           vector ('SYS_USERS'       , 0, 'varchar'  , 'U_NAME'      ),
    'RES_GROUP_ID',             vector ('SYS_USERS'     , 0, 'integer'  , 'http_nogroup_gid()'  ),
    'RES_GROUP_NAME',           vector ('SYS_USERS'     , 0, 'varchar'  , '(''nogroup'')'       ),
    'RES_COL_FULL_PATH',        vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'     , 0, 'varchar'  , 'concat (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (_param.detcolpath, ''bookmark'', "bookmark_FIXNAME" (WAI_NAME)), ''/'')'      ),
    'RES_COL_NAME',             vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'     , 0, 'varchar'  , '"bookmark_FIXNAME" (WAI_NAME)'   ),
    'RES_CR_TIME',              vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'     , 0, 'datetime' , 'BD_LAST_UPDATE'        ),
    'RES_MOD_TIME',             vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'     , 0, 'datetime' , 'BD_LAST_UPDATE'  ),
    'RES_PERMS',                vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'     , 0, 'varchar'  , '(''110000000RR'')'   ),
    'RES_CONTENT',              vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'     , 0, 'text'     , 'BD_DESCRIPTION'   )

create procedure "bookmark_DAV_FC_TABLE_METAS" (inout table_metas any)
        table_metas := vector (
                'BOOKMARK_DOMAIN'             , vector (      ''      ,
                                        ''      ,
                                                'BD_NAME'    , 'BD_NAME'  , '[__quiet] /' ),
    'WA_INSTANCE'         , vector (      ''      ,
                                        ''      ,
                                                'WAI_NAME'     , 'WAI_NAME'   , '[__quiet] /' ),
    'WA_MEMBER'         , vector (      ''      ,
                                        ''      ,
                                                'WAM_INST'     , 'WAM_INST'   , '[__quiet] /' ),
    'SYS_USERS'   , vector (      ''      ,
                                        ''      ,
                                                NULL            , NULL          , NULL          )

create function "bookmark_DAV_FC_PRINT_WHERE" (inout filter any, in param_uid integer) returns varchar
        declare pred_metas, cmp_metas, table_metas any;
        declare used_tables any;
        -- dbg_obj_princ ('Blog_POST_DAV_FC_PRINT_WHERE (', filter, param_uid, ')');
        "bookmark_DAV_FC_PRED_METAS" (pred_metas);
        DAV_FC_CMP_METAS (cmp_metas);
        "bookmark_DAV_FC_TABLE_METAS" (table_metas);
        used_tables := vector(
                'BOOKMARK_DOMAIN', vector ('BOOKMARK_DOMAIN', '_top', null, vector (), vector (), vector ()),
                'WA_INSTANCE', vector ('WA_INSTANCE', '_instances', null, vector (), vector (), vector ()),
                'WA_MEMBER', vector ('WA_MEMBER', '_members', null, vector (), vector (), vector ()),
                'SYS_USERS', vector ('SYS_USERS', '_users', null, vector (), vector (), vector ())
        return DAV_FC_PRINT_WHERE_INT (filter, pred_metas, cmp_metas, table_metas, used_tables, param_uid);

--| When DAV_DIR_FILTER_INT calls DET function, authentication is performed before the call and compilation is initialized.
create function "bookmark_DAV_DIR_FILTER" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in detcol_path any, inout compilation any, in recursive integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
        -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_DIR_FILTER (', detcol_id, path_parts, detcol_path, compilation, recursive, auth_uid, ')');
        declare st, access, qry_text, execstate, execmessage varchar;
        declare res any;
        declare cond_list, execmeta, execrows any;
        declare sub, post_id, condtext, cond_key varchar;
        declare ownergid, owner_uid, domain_id integer;
        "bookmark_ACCESS_PARAMS" (detcol_id, access, ownergid, owner_uid);
        vectorbld_init (res);
        sub := null;
        post_id := null;
        if (((length (path_parts) <= 1) and (recursive <> 1)) or (length (path_parts) > 2))
          -- dbg_obj_princ ('\r\nGoto skip_post_level\r\n');
          goto finalize;
        if (length (path_parts) >= 2)
                sub := path_parts[0];           
                if (sub = 'bookmark')
                        domain_id := coalesce ((select C.WAI_ID
                                from SYS_USERS A,
                                WA_MEMBER B,
                                WA_INSTANCE C
                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                          and "bookmark_FIXNAME"(C.WAI_NAME) = path_parts[1]));
                        if (domain_id is null)
                                goto finalize;
                        goto finalize;
        cond_key := sprintf ('Bookmark&%d', coalesce (domain_id, 0));
        condtext := get_keyword (cond_key, compilation);
        if (condtext is null)
          cond_list := get_keyword ('', compilation);
          if (sub is not null)
                cond_list := vector_concat (cond_list, vector ( vector ('BD_DOMAIN_ID', '=', domain_id)));
          condtext := "bookmark_DAV_FC_PRINT_WHERE" (cond_list, auth_uid);
          compilation := vector_concat (compilation, vector (cond_key, condtext));
        execstate := '00000';
        qry_text := 'select concat (DAV_CONCAT_PATH (_param.detcolpath, ''bookmark'', ''/'', "bookmark_FIXNAME" (WAI_NAME)), ''/'', "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME" (_top.BD_NAME, _top.BD_ID)),
                ''R'', ''1024'', _top.BD_LAST_UPDATE,
                vector (UNAME''bookmark'', ?, _users.U_ID, 3, _top.BD_DOMAIN_ID, _top.BD_FOLDER_ID, null, null),
                ''110000000RR'', http_nogroup_gid(), _users.U_ID, _top.BD_LAST_UPDATE, ''application/xbel+xml'', "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME" (_top.BD_NAME, _top.BD_ID)
                (select top 1 ? as detcolpath from WS.WS.SYS_DAV_COL) as _param,
                BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN as _top
                join DB.DBA.WA_INSTANCE as _instances on (WAI_ID = BD_DOMAIN_ID and WAI_TYPE_NAME = ''Bookmark'')
                join DB.DBA.WA_MEMBER as _members on (WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1 and WAM_INST = WAI_NAME)
                join DB.DBA.SYS_USERS as _users on (WAM_USER = U_ID and U_ID = ?)
                ' || condtext;
          exec (qry_text, execstate, execmessage,
                vector (detcol_id, detcol_path, owner_uid),
                100000000, execmeta, execrows );
          if ('00000' <> execstate)
                signal (execstate, execmessage || ' in ' || qry_text);
          vectorbld_concat_acc (res, execrows);
        vectorbld_final (res);
        return res;

create function "bookmark_DAV_SEARCH_ID_IMPL" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in what char(1), inout sub_id integer, inout muser_id integer, inout domain_id integer, inout folder_id integer) returns any
        --dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_SEARCH_ID_IMPL (', detcol_id, path_parts, what, sub_id, muser_id, domain_id, folder_id, ')');
        declare ownergid, owner_uid, ctr, len integer;
        declare hitlist any;
        declare access, colpath, tag_id, sub varchar;
        tag_id := null; 
        "bookmark_ACCESS_PARAMS" (detcol_id, access, ownergid, owner_uid);
        if (0 = length(path_parts))
                if ('C' <> what)
                        return -1;
                return vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, sub_id, domain_id, folder_id, -1, null);
        if ('' = path_parts[length(path_parts) - 1])
                if ('C' <> what)
                        return -1;
                if ('R' <> what)
                        return -1;
        len := length (path_parts) - 1;
        ctr := 0;
        sub := trim(cast(path_parts[0] as varchar));
        while (ctr < len)
                if (ctr = 0)
                        if (equ(sub, 'date'))
                                sub_id := 2;
                        else if (equ(sub, 'bookmark'))
                                sub_id := 1;
                        else if (equ(sub, 'tags'))
                                sub_id := 3;
                                sub_id := 1;
                else if (ctr = 1)
                  hitlist := vector ();
                  if (sub_id = 1)
                          for select C.WAI_ID as D_ID
                                         from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and "bookmark_FIXNAME"(C.WAI_NAME) = path_parts[ctr]
                                hitlist := vector_concat (hitlist, vector (D_ID));
                  else if (sub_id = 2)
                        for select distinct year(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) as D_ID
                                         from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                  BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                          and year(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = atoi(path_parts[ctr])
                                hitlist := vector_concat (hitlist, vector (D_ID));
                  else if (sub_id = 3)
                        for select distinct D.T_TAG as D_ID
                                         from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                  BMK.WA.TAGS D
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and D.T_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                          and D.T_TAG = path_parts[ctr]
                                hitlist := vector_concat (hitlist, vector (D_ID));
                        if (length (hitlist) <> 1)
                                return -1;
                        tag_id := hitlist[0];
                  if (sub_id <> 3)
                          if (length (hitlist) <> 1)
                                return -1;
                          domain_id := hitlist[0];
                        if (sub_id <> 3)
                                hitlist := vector();
                                if (sub_id = 1)
                                        for select F_ID
                                                from BMK.WA.FOLDER
                                                where "bookmark_FIXNAME"(F_NAME) = path_parts[ctr] and
                                                F_DOMAIN_ID = domain_id and
                                                ((F_PARENT_ID = folder_id and folder_id > 0) or (F_PARENT_ID = -1 and (folder_id = 0 or folder_id = -1)))
                                                hitlist := vector_concat (hitlist, vector (F_ID));
                                else if (sub_id = 2)
                                        for select distinct month(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) as D_ID
                                                 from SYS_USERS A,
                                                          WA_MEMBER B,
                                                          WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                          BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D
                                                where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                                  and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                                  and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                                  and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                                  and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                                  and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                                  and monthname(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = path_parts[ctr]
                                        hitlist := vector_concat (hitlist, vector (D_ID));
                                if (length (hitlist) <> 1)
                                        return -1;
                                folder_id := hitlist[0];
                                return -1;
                ctr := ctr + 1;
        if ('C' = what)
                return vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, sub_id, domain_id, folder_id, -1, tag_id);
        hitlist := vector ();
        if (sub_id = 1)
                for select distinct BD_ID
                        from BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN
                        where ((BD_FOLDER_ID = folder_id and folder_id > 0) or ((folder_id = 0 or folder_id = -1) and BD_FOLDER_ID is null))and
                        "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME" (BD_NAME, BD_ID) = path_parts[ctr] and
                        BD_DOMAIN_ID = domain_id
                        hitlist := vector_concat (hitlist, vector (BD_ID));
        else if (sub_id = 2)
                for select distinct D.BD_ID as D_ID
                                         from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                  BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                          and month(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = folder_id
                                          and year(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE) = domain_id
                                          and "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME" (D.BD_NAME, D.BD_ID) = path_parts[ctr]
                        hitlist := vector_concat (hitlist, vector (D_ID));
        else if (sub_id = 3)
                for select distinct D.BD_ID as D_ID
                                         from SYS_USERS A,
                                                  WA_MEMBER B,
                                                  WA_INSTANCE C,
                                                  BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D
                                        where A.U_ID = owner_uid
                                          and B.WAM_USER = A.U_ID
                                          and B.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1
                                          and B.WAM_INST = C.WAI_NAME
                                          and C.WAI_TYPE_NAME = 'Bookmark'
                                          and D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = C.WAI_ID
                                          and "bookmark_COMPOSE_XBEL_NAME" (D.BD_NAME, D.BD_ID) = path_parts[ctr]
                        hitlist := vector_concat (hitlist, vector (D_ID));
        if (length (hitlist) <> 1)
                return -1;
        return vector (UNAME'bookmark', detcol_id, owner_uid, sub_id, domain_id, folder_id, hitlist[0], tag_id);

--| When DAV_PROP_GET_INT or DAV_DIR_LIST_INT calls DET function, authentication is performed before the call.
create function "bookmark_DAV_SEARCH_ID" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in what char(1)) returns any
  declare sub_id, u_id, folder_id, domain_id integer;
  --dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_SEARCH_ID (', detcol_id, path_parts, what, ')');
  return "bookmark_DAV_SEARCH_ID_IMPL" (detcol_id, path_parts, what, sub_id, u_id, domain_id, folder_id);

--| When DAV_SEARCH_PATH_INT calls DET function, authentication is performed before the call.
create function "bookmark_DAV_SEARCH_PATH" (in id any, in what char(1)) returns any
  --dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_SEARCH_PATH (', id, what, ')');
  return NULL;

--| When DAV_COPY_INT calls DET function, authentication and check for locks are performed before the call, but no check for existing/overwrite.
create function "bookmark_DAV_RES_UPLOAD_COPY" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in source_id any, in what char(1), in overwrite_flags integer, in permissions varchar, in uid integer, in gid integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_RES_UPLOAD_COPY (', detcol_id, path_parts, source_id, what, overwrite_flags, permissions, uid, gid, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| When DAV_COPY_INT calls DET function, authentication and check for locks are performed before the call, but no check for existing/overwrite.
create function "bookmark_DAV_RES_UPLOAD_MOVE" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in source_id any, in what char(1), in overwrite_flags integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_RES_UPLOAD_MOVE (', detcol_id, path_parts, source_id, what, overwrite_flags, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| When DAV_RES_CONTENT or DAV_RES_COPY_INT or DAV_RES_MOVE_INT calls DET function, authentication is made.
--| If content_mode is 1 then content is a valid output stream before the call.
create function "bookmark_DAV_RES_CONTENT" (in id any, inout content any, out type varchar, in content_mode integer) returns integer
        --dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_RES_CONTENT (', id, ', [content], [type], ', content_mode, ')');
        whenever not found goto endline;
        if (id[6] is not null)
                declare link, title, last_date varchar;
                if (id[3] = 1)
                        select D.BD_NAME, cast(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE as varchar), B.B_URI into title, last_date, link
                                from BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D, BMK.WA.BOOKMARK B
                                where D.BD_DOMAIN_ID = id[4] and
                                        ((D.BD_FOLDER_ID  = id[5] and id[5] <> 0) or (D.BD_FOLDER_ID is null and id[5] = 0)) and
                                        D.BD_ID = id[6] and
                                        B.B_ID = D.BD_BOOKMARK_ID;
                else if (id[3] = 2 or id[3] = 3)
                        select D.BD_NAME, cast(D.BD_LAST_UPDATE as varchar), B.B_URI into title, last_date, link
                                         from BMK.WA.BOOKMARK_DOMAIN D,
                                                  BMK.WA.BOOKMARK B
                                        where D.BD_ID = id[6] and B.B_ID = D.BD_BOOKMARK_ID;
                type := 'application/xbel+xml';
                content := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n';
                content := concat(content, '<!DOCTYPE xbel PUBLIC "+//IDN python.org//DTD XML Bookmark Exchange Language 1.0//EN//XML" "http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/topics/dtds/xbel-1.0.dtd">\n');
                content := concat(content, '<xbel>\n');
                content := concat(content, sprintf('  <bookmark href="%s">\n', link));
                content := concat(content, sprintf('    <title>%s</title>\n', title));
                content := concat(content, '  </bookmark>\n');
                content := concat(content, '</xbel>\n');
        return 0;

--| This adds an extra access path to the existing resource or collection.
create function "bookmark_DAV_SYMLINK" (in detcol_id any, in path_parts any, in source_id any, in what char(1), in overwrite integer, in uid integer, in gid integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_SYMLINK (', detcol_id, path_parts, source_id, overwrite, uid, gid, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| This gets a list of resources and/or collections as it is returned by DAV_DIR_LIST and and writes the list of quads (old_id, 'what', old_full_path, dereferenced_id, dereferenced_full_path).
create function "bookmark_DAV_DEREFERENCE_LIST" (in detcol_id any, inout report_array any) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_DEREFERENCE_LIST (', detcol_id, report_array, ')');
  return -20;

--| This gets one of reference quads returned by ..._DAV_REREFERENCE_LIST() and returns a record (new_full_path, new_dereferenced_full_path, name_may_vary).
create function "bookmark_DAV_RESOLVE_PATH" (in detcol_id any, inout reference_item any, inout old_base varchar, inout new_base varchar) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_RESOLVE_PATH (', detcol_id, reference_item, old_base, new_base, ')');
  return -20;

--| There's no API function to lock for a while (do we need such?) The "LOCK" DAV method checks that all parameters are valid but does not check for existing locks.
create function "bookmark_DAV_LOCK" (in path any, in id any, in type char(1), inout locktype varchar, inout scope varchar, in token varchar, inout owner_name varchar, inout owned_tokens varchar, in depth varchar, in timeout_sec integer, in auth_uid integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_LOCK (', id, type, locktype, scope, token, owner_name, owned_tokens, depth, timeout_sec, owner_name, auth_uid, ')');
  return -20;

--| There's no API function to unlock for a while (do we need such?) The "UNLOCK" DAV method checks that all parameters are valid but does not check for existing locks.
create function "bookmark_DAV_UNLOCK" (in id any, in type char(1), in token varchar, in auth_uid integer)
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_UNLOCK (', id, type, token, auth_uid, ')');
  return -27;

--| The caller does not check if id is valid.
--| This returns -1 if id is not valid, 0 if all existing locks are listed in owned_tokens whitespace-delimited list, 1 for soft 2 for hard lock.
create function "bookmark_DAV_IS_LOCKED" (inout id any, inout type char(1), in owned_tokens varchar) returns integer
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_IS_LOCKED (', id, type, owned_tokens, ')');
  return 0;

--| The caller does not check if id is valid.
--| This returns -1 if id is not valid, list of tuples (LOCK_TYPE, LOCK_SCOPE, LOCK_TOKEN, LOCK_TIMEOUT, LOCK_OWNER, LOCK_OWNER_INFO) otherwise.
create function "bookmark_DAV_LIST_LOCKS" (in id any, in type char(1), in recursive integer) returns any
  -- dbg_obj_princ ('bookmark_DAV_LIST_LOCKS" (', id, type, recursive);
  return vector ();