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    OpenLink Virtuoso, Open-Source Edition (VOS): Downloads

    Upgrading Existing Virtuoso Installations

    Before upgrading an existing installation of Virtuoso Open Source Edition (VOS) and/or OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS), please see these instructions.

    Virtuoso Source Code

    We recommend these Build Instructions for compiling from source.

    Latest source code on Github

    The latest source code for Virtuoso may be checked-out from Virtuoso on Github using

    $ git clone git://github.com/openlink/virtuoso-opensource.git

    Our branches are called:

    • stable/7
    • stable/6
    • develop/7
    • develop/6

    Please refer to the documentation on Virtuoso Git usage for more details.

    Pre-built binaries

    These periodically produced pre-built binaries, typically from stable milestones, will let you get up-and-running quickly with VOS, without building from code yourself.

    You can manually browse to locate pre-built binaries of this and other versions, or download via the links below.


    Built against glibc 2.5, this should work on all more recent glibc versions: Virtuoso Open-Source 7.2.14 installer (as of 2024-11-11)

    macOS (Mac OS X)

    A drag-and-drop installer for macOS (Mavericks [10.9] and later): Virtuoso Open-Source 7.2.14 installer (as of 2024-11-11)

    Microsoft Windows

    A standard double-click installer for Windows: Virtuoso Open-Source 7.2.14 Installer (as of 2024-11-11)


    We have an image and documentation on Docker Hub: Virtuoso Open-Source 7 Docker.

    Occasionally updated source code snapshots on Sourceforge

    Active development now takes place on github. Primarily for historical purposes, snapshot archives remain available on Sourceforge.

    You can download these archives from the SourceForge project page for use on any platform.

    VAD Packages

    These ready-made VAD packages may be downloaded for use with any Virtuoso binary, whether Open Source or Commercial.

    ODS Applications

    See Getting Started with ODS for instructions.

    The OpenLink Data Spaces source code is currently included in the main Virtuoso source tree.

    Package VAD link
    ODS-Framework (required) ods_framework_dav.vad
    ODS-Addressbook ods_addressbook_dav.vad
    ODS-Blog ods_blog_dav.vad
    ODS-BookmarkManager ods_bookmark_dav.vad
    ODS-Briefcase ods_briefcase_dav.vad
    ODS-Calendar ods_calendar_dav.vad
    ODS-Community ods_community_dav.vad
    ODS-Discussion ods_discussion_dav.vad
    ODS-FeedManager ods_feedmanager_dav.vad
    ODS-Gallery ods_gallery_dav.vad
    ODS-Polls ods_polls_dav.vad
    ODS-Mail ods_webmail_dav.vad
    ODS-Wiki ods_wiki_dav.vad

    Other Virtuoso-related Packages

    Package VAD link Sort in descending order
    Virtuoso Conductor conductor_dav.vad
    OAT Applications oat_dav.vad
    Virtuoso tutorials tutorial_dav.vad
    Demo database demo_dav.vad
    HTML based SPARQL Query Builder sparql_demo_dav.vad
    Interactive SPARQL Query Builder? isparql_dav.vad
    Virtuoso Documentation doc_dav.vad
    Sponger Middleware rdf_mappers_dav.vad
    Faceted Browser fct_dav.vad
    PubSubHubbub pubsubhub_dav.vad
    SyncML syncml_dav.vad

    Other Virtuoso-related Projects

    Jena Provider

    Documentation: using the Virtuoso Jena Provider

    For Jena 4.3.x and later

    Virtuoso Jena 4.3.x Provider JAR file
    Virtuoso JDBC 4 Driver JAR file
    Sample programs virtjenasamples.zip

    For Jena 3.0.x and later

    Virtuoso Jena 3.0.x Provider JAR file
    Virtuoso JDBC 4 Driver JAR file
    Sample programs virtjenasamples.zip

    For Jena 2.10 and later

    Virtuoso Jena 2.10.x Provider JAR file
    Virtuoso JDBC 4 Driver JAR file
    Sample programs virtjenasamples.zip

    For Jena 2.7

    Virtuoso Jena 2.7.x Provider JAR file
    Virtuoso JDBC 4 Driver JAR file
    Sample programs virtjenasamples.zip

    For Jena 2.6

    Virtuoso Jena 2.6.x Provider JAR file
    Virtuoso JDBC 3 Driver JAR file
    Jena 2.6 Framework and associated classes jenajars.zip
    Sample programs virtjenasamples.zip

    RDF4J and Sesame Providers

    Documentation: using the Virtuoso RDF4J and Sesame Providers

    For RDF4J 4.x

    Virtuoso RDF4J 4.x Provider JAR file virt_rdf4j_4.jar
    Virtuoso JDBC 4 Driver JAR file virtjdbc4_3.jar
    Virtuoso RDF4J Provider and testsuite archive rdf4j_provider.tgz

    For RDF4J 2.x / 3.x

    Virtuoso RDF4J 3.x Provider JAR file virt_rdf4j.jar
    Virtuoso JDBC 4 Driver JAR file virtjdbc4_2.jar
    Virtuoso RDF4J Provider and testsuite archive rdf4j_provider.tgz

    For Sesame 4.x

    Virtuoso Sesame 4.x Provider JAR file virt_sesame4.jar
    Virtuoso JDBC 4 Driver JAR file virtjdbc4.jar
    Sesame 4.x Sample programs virtsesame4samples.zip

    For Sesame 2.x

    Virtuoso Sesame 2.7.x Provider JAR file virt_sesame2.jar
    Virtuoso Sesame 2.6.x Provider JAR file virt_sesame2.jar
    Virtuoso JDBC 3 or 4 Driver JAR file virtjdbc3.jar
    Sesame 2.x Sample programs virtsesame2samples.zip