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  • VOS.VOSHTTPServerPivotviewer(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 05:44:21 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 05:44:21

    Simple Example Showing How To Browse a Collection Generated From Virtuoso Data Using PivotViewer.

    PivotViewer is a new Silverlight control for visualizing and interacting with collections of data. The data collection must be a group of entities of the same type, described using the Collection XML schema, CXML. Virtuoso data will soon be easily exposed as a pivot collection using the upcoming FacetServiceToPivotBridge?.

    This document shows how to set up a very simple Silverlight application that makes such collections available on the Web. You can also play with an existing sample instance.


    • VisualStudio 2010 and Silverlight 4
    • The address of the collections
    • Virtuoso server to host the Silverlight web app


    Step 1: Create the application.

    In VisualStudio, reate a new Silverlight Application called PivotTest.

    1. In the New Silverlight Application dialog box check the Host the Silverlight application in a new Web site box and ensure that the Silverlight Version is 4 or higher.

    2. Click OK.

    Step 2: Add controls.

    This step adds a text box and a PivotViewer to the application.

    1. In MainPage.xaml add the pivot namespace,


    2. In the same file, replace —

      <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> </Grid>

      — with —

      <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="40"/> <RowDefinition Height="40"/> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="600"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <TextBlock Text="Pivot Collection Viewer" Visibility="Visible" FontSize="20" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center"/> <TextBox Name="urlBox" Grid.Row="1" Width="500" Height="30" Text="{Binding Mode=OneWay}" KeyDown="urlBox_KeyDown" Grid.Column="0" ></TextBox> <TextBlock Text="Type in a collection URL" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"></TextBlock> <Border x:Name="ContentBorder" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"> <!-- The PivotViewer control --> <pivot:PivotViewer x:Name="PivotViewer" Visibility="Collapsed" /> </Border> </Grid>

    Step 3: Add the event handler.

    Once the URL of a collection has been typed into the text box, the PivotViewer opens the collection and is made visible. This is done using the urlBox_KeyDown event handler. We need to add this to the file, MainPage.xaml.cs.

    1. Open MainPage.xaml.cs and add references to:
      • System.Windows.Pivot
      • System.Windows.Pivot.Model
      • System.Windows.Pivot.SharedUI
      • System.Windows.Pivot.StringResources
      • System.Windows.Pivot.Utilities
    2. Add using System.Windows.Pivot; to the "using" block.
    3. Add the event handler:

      private void urlBox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Key.Enter) PivotViewer.LoadCollection(urlBox.Text, string.Empty); PivotViewer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }

    4. Build and run the code using the development server. You should see a web page that looks like this:

    5. Type the URL of a collection, e.g., http://content.getpivot.com/Collections/dogbreeds/dogbreeds.cxml into the text box.
    6. The collection will be opened in the PivotViewer control.

    Step 4: Save the application.

    Publish the project from VisualStudio to your local filesystem —

    1. Right click on PivotTest.Web in the Solution Explorer.
    2. Select Publish
    3. Select File System for the Publish Method, and set the Target Location.
    4. Click OK.

    Step 5: Set up hosting on Virtuoso.

    You can host the project directly from the filesystem ...

    1. Copy the content of the Target Location (Step #4, above) to a new folder called PivotTest in the $VIRTUOSO_DIR/vsp/ folder of your Virtuoso Server instance.
    2. Open the Virtuoso Conductor and click to the Web Application Server tab, and then the Virtuoso Domains and Directories sub-tab.
    3. Add a new directory to the default web site.
    4. Select None on the first page of the wizard.
    5. On the second page set Path to /pivottest and Physical Path to the new folder you have just created under $VIRTUOSO_DIR/vsp/.
    6. Set Default Page to PivotTestTestPage.html.
    7. Click Save changes.

    or from Virtuoso's DAV repository

    1. Open the WebDAV browser on your Virtuoso server.
    2. Create a new WebDAV folder and upload the content of the Target Location (Step #4, above) into it.
    3. Open the conductor and select the Web Application Server followed by the Virtuoso Domains and Directories tab.
    4. Add a new directory to the default web site.
    5. Select None on the first page of the wizard.
    6. On the second page set Path to the name of the new WebDAV folder and check the Physical path is a WebDAV repository check box.
    7. Set the Physical Path to /DAV/<new WebDAV folder name> .
    8. Set Default Page to PivotTestTestPage.html.
    9. Check the Override exec permissions in WebDAV checkbox.
    10. Click Save changes.

    Now load http://<your server instance>/pivottest in your Web browser, and you should see the page you have just created.

    A note on CrossDomainPolicy.xml
    The Silverlight security model only allows a Silverlight application to make HTTP web requests to the domain that originally served the application. Cross domain access to collections on another server would require either a clientaccesspolicy.xml or crossdomain.xml file allowing access from the site serving the Silverlight application.

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