This is a diff between 1.6 and 1.7 revisions:

< 1 Note at the end of the Bulk Load process the <code><nowiki>checkpoint</nowiki></code> command *MUST* be run to commit the bulk loaded data to the Virtuoso database file. This because the default <code>log_enable = 2</code> mode used by the bulk loader, turns off transaction logging, thus if the database is shutdown before a checkpoint is run all the bulk loaded data would be lost.
> 1 Note at the end of the Bulk Load process the <code><nowiki>checkpoint</nowiki></code> command *MUST* be run to commit the bulk loaded data to the Virtuoso database file. This is because the default <code>log_enable = 2</code> mode used by the bulk loader turns off transaction logging, thus if the database is shutdown before a checkpoint is run all the bulk loaded data would be lost.