%META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtConfigureCartridges"}% ---+Crunchbase Cartridge - Configuration Guidelines Contents %TOC% [[http://www.crunchbase.com/][Crunchbase]] is a free database of technology companies, people, and investors. The Sponger extractor cartridge for Crunchbase exposes Crunchbase entries as Linked Data. A corresponding meta-cartridge identifies company and people names in Linked Data and performs lookups against Crunchbase to further enrich this data with Crunchbase information. The Crunchbase extractor and meta cartridges both require a Crunchbase API key. The same API key can be used for both cartridges. ---++Obtaining an API Key To obtain an API key: * Go to the [[http://developer.crunchbase.com/][Crunchbase Developer Portal]] and [[http://developer.crunchbase.com/member/register][register for a user account]]. * After registering as a user, [[http://developer.crunchbase.com/apps/register][apply for an API key]]. * In the "Crunchbase Application Registration" form: * You can use any application name acceptable to Crunchbase, e.g. "Virtuoso Sponger". * Under the section "Select which Web APIs this application will use", ensure the "Issue a new key for Crunchbase API" checkbox is checked. * After clicking the "Register your application" button, your new Crunchbase API key will be displayed. ---++Configuring the Crunchbase extractor and meta cartridges * In the Conductor UI, click on the "Linked Data" tab, then the "Sponger" tab. * Under the "Extractor Cartridges" tab, select "Crunchbase" from the list of cartridges. * In the cartridge configuration form at the bottom of the page, enter your Crunchbase API key in the "API Key" field, then confirm the update. * The Crunchbase meta cartridge is configured in a similar way to the extractor cartridge. Select the "Meta Cartridges" tab, select "Crunchbase" in the list of meta cartridges, then enter the Crunchbase API key in the "API Key" field.