%META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesVendorNonRDF"}% ---+Hotels.com %TOC% In order to maximize the amount and quality of data extracted, the Sponger's support for Hotels.com comes in three forms: as a regular extractor cartridge, as a query-language cartridge and as a metacartridge. ---++Extractor Cartridge This is used for modelling a single identified hotel object as RDF. Typical URL patterns take the form <http://www.hotels.com/hotel/details.html?hotelId=nnnnn>. In practice, such URLs rarely exist in the wild so we regard this as the canonical URL for a hotel and identify the pattern ?hotelId=nnnnn in other URLs accordingly. ---++Query-Language cartridge The Sponger's Query-language cartridges are a subset of the extractor cartridges, defined as working against resources that are themselves queries. In this case, the hotels.com website allows a user to enter some free-form text to locate a hotel; we treat the URL as identifying a resultset and model that as a container linking to individual hotels. Features differentiating this from other modes: if a new hotel is built tomorrow and matches the search, responging the same page will show new data dynamically; there is no hotelId in the URL to restrict the query to one hotel. ---++Metacartridge The Sponger's metacartridges enhance data already present in a graph. In this case, the Hotels.com metacartridge searches for triples identifying a location in the graph and adds links showing hotels in the vicinity. ---++Configuration The hotels.com cartridges are implemented using the Expedia Affiliate Network (EAN) API. To use them, you need to sign up with EAN, register a new application and put the API key in the API key field in the sponger cartridge's configuration page in the Virtuoso Conductor. Example: Go to https://developer.ean.com/ and click `sign up' or sign in if already registered. * Click on `[[https://developer.ean.com/apps/mykeys][my account]]' and you should see an overview of your applications and their keys and secrets. * Go to the Virtuoso Conductor, e.g. http://localhost:8889/conductor/ (adjust host and port) and log in. In the menus, click Linked Data / Sponger and you'll see the extractor cartridges. * Ensure the Hotels.com extractor cartridge is enabled and apply. Then scroll down and select it, to change its settings: * Copy and paste the API Key from EAN into the cartridge configuration and update. * Next, in the sponger menu, go to the Metacartridges tab and similarly enable the cartridge and paste the key in its setings also. * * ---++See Also * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesVendorNonRDF][Vendor-specific supported data sources]] * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesQueryLanguages][Query-Language Cartridges]] * [[VirtSponger][Virtuoso Sponger]]