---+Instagram Cartridge - Configuration Guidelines
---++ Register an application endpoint
Use Instagram's developer interface to register a [[http://instagram.com/developer/clients/manage/][new client endpoint]].
The settings required for this are:
* Application Name: whatever you like ("my Sponger instance")
* Description: optional, free-form
* Website: set this to the base of your Virtuoso installation, e.g. http://localhost:8890/
* OAuth redirect_uri: adjusting localhost and port number to your installation, put http://localhost:8890/sponger/instagram_oauth in here (note no trailing slash)
Once the client is created, it should give you a paragraph of its options including
a client_id and a client_secret.
---++Cartridge Options
In the Virtuoso Conductor (eg http://localhost:8890/conductor), select the menu
item Linked Data -> Sponger -> Extractor Cartridges.
In the list of cartridges, ensure `Instagr.am Photos' is enabled (hit `Apply' at
the bottom if need be), then click on the name "Instagr.am Photos" to show its options:
The API Key should be the Client_ID parameter from Instagram.
The client_secret option is currently unused, but may be set against future updates.
The oauth-fallback cartridge option is a default username to use for
authenticated requests. Currently, this is only used in order to list a user's
media; if an access token for the user being sponged is not found, this will be
used in its place - so you get a view from this user's perspective.
---++View the Retrieved data
The cartridge will trigger on URLs matching either
^https?://(www.)?instagr.am/.* or
^https?://(www.)?instagram.com/.*; this caters for both old and
new (after July-2012) patterns.